My lawsuit

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by myfirst, Aug 8, 2002.

  1. myfirst

    myfirst Member

    My case
    80 inquires at Experian
    63 inquires at Equifax
    34 inquires at Trans Union
    0 inquires at Innovis
    I sued Experian,Trans Union and Equifax
    I took the bull by the horns at each bureau and sued the manager at each bureau.
    My reason on my small claims lawsuit is fail to provide me with the name,address and phone number of the company that place the inquire on my credit file.
    All bureaus got the notice that I have file a lawsuit in small claims court on monday.
    Trans Union lawyer call on Tuesday said drop the suit and we will remove all inquires.He put it in writing.
    Equifax lawyer call friday and said if I would drop the suit ever inquire would be remove.He put it in writing.
    Experian lawyer call and said you need to sue the bureau not the manager I told her that my case stands the judge refuse to throw out the case when Experian ask them to.5 days before court date they agree to remove all inquires in return I drop the suit.
    All the lawyers told me if I had a problem in the future call them first.
    I came away in total control.
  2. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member


    Congratulations, that is great.

    I would hate for any of them to mess with you again ;-)
  3. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    That was beautiful. Let me wipe the tear out of my eye. Funny thing on lawsuits. I am getting ready to file against RMA and I noticed in a town about 30 minutes away some guy sued RMA and beat em to the tune of 12 grand. I am gonna find the info if I can and will post if I can find it.
  4. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member

    Sorry to change the subject, but my heart skipped a beat when I saw your post.

    12000 against RMA, now that is what should make them tear up.

    And, yes, please do keep us updated.

    Good luck.........
  5. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I have a question. If they were all just notified on Monday, how could Exp. have called you 5 days before court. Court would still be quite far off. How soon is court set?
  6. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I *think* he meant the court date is this coming Monday and they notified him today?

    Sounds good to
  7. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Maybe. It was a little confusing.
  8. nugentk2

    nugentk2 Well-Known Member


    Please keep us updated on the suit for RMA. I have been fighting them and want to know any weak link they have and how you do. If you want to search my strings for RMA you will see what I mean.
  9. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    their weak link seems to be arrogance. They did not even show up to court. IF a CA loses a courtcase how can you get them to even pay if they feel like ignoring the judgement?
  10. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    I filed against all three about a week and a half ago. They were basically all served within a day apart of one another by thew Sheriff and Constable.

    I have yet to hear from them.

    That is great that you got them to settle on your terms. Not to belittle your case in the least but I seem to have them caught up a little bit harsher then for simple inquiries.

    I have yet to hear from them, to be quite honest I don't really want to hear from them unless it is in court. I am too mad at this point to just settle for a simple deletion.

    Nope. I will open my wallet wide and allow them to fill it! LOL!!

  11. nugentk2

    nugentk2 Well-Known Member

    Well the good news should be that at least the rest is up to the law to handle. I would think if they ignore they would be in contempt? Good luck... I hope you keep us posted I may have to go a round or two with them to get what I need done.
  12. smogtek

    smogtek Well-Known Member

    Congrats. They sure caved fast. They must have realized how bad it looked for them.

    I hate to Monday morning quarterback, but I would have held out for some $$$$$$$.

    RULE #1: When dealing with attorneys, if you get hold of their privates - SQUEEZE!
  13. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    when I sued EXP and they did not show, I won default judgement. They are notified by the court and given a date to pay or be in contempt.
  14. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    Get um! Get um good! I am going to file on RMA too.

    I am dying to find out what he sued RMA for, for $12,000. I wonder how he could sue for so much?

    Good Luck!!

  15. Nestea

    Nestea Well-Known Member

    any further details on what happened?

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