I am looking for anyone on the board who sued IC systems under FCRA or FDCPA. Please detail violations and resolution of case... small claims or other court? thanks.
Hey I am currently fighting with them too!!! For the last 3 years they have reported a collection as "customer disputes". When I called to inquire the lady was oblivous and stated since I questioned it from the very beginning that they always had to report it that way... huh?? And she said well you paid it anyway (paid only to get my house) when I saw an itemized list of things. So I am working on my first validation letter with them because I know that is not proper validation. Pluse they have the account first reported as 2000 (when I paid) when I actually lived in that apt and vacated in 4/98. I disputed with the CRA as incorrect date. I did that just this week.
I did it. The case was dismissed because my son was sick and I was late to court, But I refiled and the new date is on September 6. But I got some good news and the dismissal might have been a blessing. I received an answer form the Minnesota Attorney General. They contacted them and basically tod them to get their sh*t together. They told me that I should contact the California Attorney General because I live in California. So today I did. More ammunition for court, if it gets that far. I would think that they would settle now seeing how serious I am. Their freaking stupid a** lawyer got them in even worse trouble by outright lying in a letter to me. And they tried to settle for $150. Puh-leeze!!! She really isn't very intelligent. If you need any help, let me know.
what violations do you have them on..please let me know.. did they offer to settle... I am fighting a medical collection with them.
Hmmm. Let me see. Failure to validate, failure to show that they are assigned to the debt by the OC, failure to report as disputed(2x), failure to send 30 day collection notice and 1 count of being stupid as hell. Their lawyer tried to sette for $150 when I sued them for $5000. This is after she sends me a letter with so many outright lies, I'm seriously thinking of writing to her state bar association. I sent a complaint to the Minnesota AG and they contacted IC. They advised that I send a complaint to my AG, so I did. I think that they will be upping the figure next time they want to settle. But I won't be settling out of court for less than $4000 plus court costs. She even agreed that it's $1000 per violation. She didn't even offer me that!