MBNA...Goodwill resonse

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by msb212, Aug 9, 2002.

  1. msb212

    msb212 Well-Known Member

    So, the last two negs on my CRs are from MBNA. Essentially valid. I wrote a goodwill letter to the President a week ago, begging them to delete the late pays, my refi is in jeopardy, etc. (all true, by the way). Explained a personal situation too serious and bizarre to go into here but a factor ias to why I so desperately need to complete my refi. Today, I got a message on my home phone from a woman who said the letter I wrote had been referred to her, asking me to call her back to discuss how they could help me. Unfortunately, I got it too late to call her back today. She said she would be in the office tomorrow, and to call her then, or on Monday. She was very nice on the message, and seemed to imply that there might be something they could/would do. We'll see. Fingers crossed. I will report what happens. My plan is to pay off the installment laon I have with them, which is the account with the 90 day late and 6 30 day lates, and ask them to simply delete the account altogether. The CC account has a 60 day and 5 30 day lates, which I am hoping they will delete as well, but that may be wishful thinking. But you never know. She certainy seemed to be solicitous on the phone...
  2. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member


    Good luck!!!!
  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    If they take away the lates I wouldn't ask them to delete the account. Charlie

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