For the past coupla-three months, I've been working on getting rid of the last three collections on my 3 reports. The good news is....TADA! My Experian report is completely clear of ALL collections. Collection A CRRR'd me to let me know they had contacted the OC, and they were deleting the entire thing from my reports. Collection B just never responded to any validation requests, and when I sent the estoppel, they deleted the tradeline from all three reports without a fight. Collection C is the one that sent validation four days after the 30-day deadline for validation imposed by the Texas Finance Code. I offered a very small accord and satisfaction agreement, but they never responded...other than to DELETE the tradeline! Now, the bad news... Transunion still has Collection C on it. And Equifax still has Collection A showing. So...maybe one more round of disputes? I hope! Thank you, CreditNet!!!! Future1966 P.S. If anyone has a killer tactic for getting these two off REALLY quickly, I'd appreciate it. My mtg loan officer told me I had to get all three off of all three reports... I feel a little anxious!
Fax and send a hardcopy of Collection A's letter to EQ and it should be off in 48 hours to 10 days depending on whether the take the fax or hardcopy. I've had it work both ways. You're doing great though!! Charlie
Forgot Collection C, send Collection C a Notice of Intent to Sue because it is still showing on your TU report, and ask them to send you a copy of the UDF. When the send it to you fax/send to TU. Charlie
LOL........I understand completely. I just got off the phone with my daughter, very smart, but 20. We had a CA on 11 violations, and all she had to do was go to the JP and get a small claims suit form so we could sue em. She procrastinated until they sued thru Tenant/Landlord law. Got a great FDCPA attorney that charged 250, one phone call, to take care of it. THEY don't listen!! You are so right, as usual. Charlie
Cool, thank you both! I had to send it to CSC, since I'm in TX, but it should work either way, right? LOL Since I was REALLY clear that it wasn't a request for an investigation, will they really do it in 48 hrs -- 10 days? Wow!
I'm a little nervous about sending the Intent to Sue letter. They never actually told me they were deleting it. They just ignored my accord and satisfaction agreement, and the following month it was gone from EQ and EX. (I don't know if EQ and EX just deleted it automatically, since it's 6 years and 10 1/2 mos old, or what...) So I'm a little nervous that I might get bit. LOL Ya know? Or just ignored...or they'd get ticked and leave it on the next 45 days anyway...for spite... Yada yada...
Have you done that before with TU, KHM? Has it worked for you, more often than not? They don't have that option with online disputes (I don't think), so I'll have to go with fax or CRRR, I guess. Thank you for the input!
Being so old, I think it came off the other reports just as a 7 year precaution. Most people, not me, have had that experience. Most say it comes off at about 6years 9 months so it makes sense why the others took it off. TU, though, does not show YOU the DOLA, so the reason why it may not have come off is either the CA reaged or TU's system isn't as advanced as EQU and EXP (I'd say the latter). *I* have never tried it, my derog still has another 2 years to it. Go online to TU and they should have "other" as a reason for dispute (once you enter all the acct info) click other and type in "obsolete please delete". I am only telling you what I have HEARD, I haven't tried it, but others have had success. Good luck!
I did this several times during my "clean up". The cra's will usually delete derogs on their own about 3 months before the 7 year date. I actually had several removed about 6 months prior by disputing just as KHM said "obsolete - please delete". That is all I said and everyone I disputed that way was deleted.