Question on getting a cell phone...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Steve880, Aug 6, 2002.

  1. Steve880

    Steve880 Well-Known Member

    I want to get a new cell phone provider, but I'm worried about my credit impairing that. Do places like Verizon or Sprint really pull a credit report or do they just use that information to verify your identity. I have an account with ATTWS right now and they do not report on any of my consumer credit reports, thus the reason for the question.

    Another thought is several of my friends with zero credit history got an account without a hitch.
  2. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    Both Sprint and Voicestream pulled a credit report on me. It is my understanding that if you do not meet their credit requirements, they will require a deposit. The amount of deposit depends on your credit.

    I don't know about other cell phone companies such as Verison.

    Of interest, I just got my Voicestream phone and they said my credit was "perfect". They pulled EQ and my score was 682. I don't think many would consider that perfect.
  3. EdG

    EdG Well-Known Member

    Sprint PCS does pull a credit report. When I got my service a few years ago I was denied. I put down a $125 deposit and was all set. FYI Sprint PCS does not report to the CRA's.

  4. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member


    Cingular did a soft inquiry to pre-approve me, then pulled a hard inquiry when I accepted their offer.

    I know many people have problems with Cingular, but thank goodness I haven't had any problems.

    I have their 'cheapo' plan. 250 minutes for 29.99 a month on a Ericsson phone. No frills phone.

    My scores were in the depressing 500's then.

    I also had to do a 25.00 deposit, but I got it back at the end of the year, and they automatically renew you the next year if you want.

    BUT, I do notice they do annual reviews of your credit under the soft inquiry section.

    Ah, I see you want Verizon Wireless.
  5. Steve880

    Steve880 Well-Known Member

    I honestly can't remember if AT&T pulled one on me or not. That was about 3 years ago and I have since been 30 days late once (simple mistake), yet nothing has ever appeared on any of my credit reports even noting the existence of the account. With service increasingly frustrating me, I want to change, but don't want to drop an account only to find I can't open another one without some kind of restriction (plan price, deposit, etc.)

    Anyone with Verizon Wirelsse have any input on this?
  6. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    Cingular (then SBC Wireless) pulled a HARD on TU in 2000 when we signed up. I know my score was mid 500's at best, and no deposit was required. (We also went with three plans, and the CSR was pushing hard to get this deal done. That's a whole 'nother story - I HATE Cingular.) They pulled my wife's TU as well, and wanted a deposit IIRC. Her score was probably in the 400's though :eek:)

    Sprint PCS pulled a HARD on TU when my wife bought me a phone at Radio Shack in 2000. We returned the phone, never activated it. I don't recall there being a deposit, and scores had to be mid 500'ish. Hmmm, looks like they also pulled HARD EFX, the bastards.

    AT&T Wireless has three SOFT pulls from EFX in 2001, but I have no idea if that was in response to an interest on our part in obtaining service, or them fishing.

    Hmmm, nothing else. I know for a FACT that my wife had Verizon send her a phone, because I saw it and made her send it back, but I see nothing on any report showing that they pulled. (Unless it's on wife's TU, but I don't have that handy.)

    Hope that helps...
  7. Steve880

    Steve880 Well-Known Member

    No, that helps...thank you :)

    I think I will try to open an account BEFORE my month with AT&T is up and if that doesn't work either have one of my parents put it under their name or keep AT&T for another year :-/
  8. too_poor

    too_poor Well-Known Member

    Verizon pulled Equifax when i opened a second account. I have a 4 mon old collection acct, 4 charge offs (2 yrs old) - score was just under 600.

    No deposit required, but it was my second acct. I half expected them not to pull at all, except it might of been because i asked for a separate acct instead of adding to my current one.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    T-Mobile/Voicestream approved me w/ no deposit and a score of 568 for three phones.
  10. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    I'm thinking about getting Voice Stream for international travel. Does anybody here know if they require a certain score to have an account with global roaming?

    My current scores are 640-694 with a bk-13 on file from 1996.

    I do have ATT wireless but they have stop reporting about 2 years ago. It would have been my second oldest tradeline. 8-(

    Best regards,
  11. Myst

    Myst Member

    Sprint PCS

    no deposit
    scores are low (very low) 500's

    still haven't had an inquiry show up on reports, and it's been almost a year now. go figure.

    cingular pulled hard when i tried them
    wanted $200 deposit (heard they go up to $1000 dep)

    att said average deposit was $400.
    didn't even bother!


    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    I don't think that you need a certain score. My rep told me about the international travel coverage before she pulled my credit.
  13. ioan

    ioan Well-Known Member

    Re: Question on getting a cell phon

    I applied for Nextel and was asked for a 500$ with a Equifax score of 647, but very short credit history.

    I would like to know which cell phone companies do report your account to the 3 CRAs? Or at least some of the 4 CRA's

    I was told it is easy to be accepted by Sprint but someone said on this thread that Sprint doesn't report.

    Does anyone know whether Verizon Wireless reports to the 3 CRAs?

    Thank you, Ioan
  14. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    Re: Question on getting a cell phon

    I'm not sure if Sprint reports, but they only require a $125 max deposit.
  15. stef

    stef Member

    Re: Question on getting a cell phon

    verizon wanted a $125 deposit from me - my EX score is 640 and i have a pretty short credit history.
    verizon did pull a hard inquiry on all 3 CRA's.

    sprint wanted $125 also ... and they did not report to any of the CRAs

    cingular wanted a $500 deposit and also pulled a hard inquiry on all 3.

    i went with verizon because they had the best plan for me ... i have no complaints so far.
  16. stef

    stef Member

    Re: Question on getting a cell phon

    sorry .. i forgot to say that verizon is not reporting my account on any of the CRAs as of yet .. and it has been 3 months since i got my phone.
  17. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    Re: Question on getting a cell phon

    I got approved for Sprint when my TU Score was a lousy 493. No deposit needed!

    To my knowledge and from asking friends with different Wireless providers I have come to the conclusion that unless you default and don't pay, they do not report the account to the CRA's.

    This is a bummer if you maintain very good credit with a certian wireless provider.

    My own call to Sprint's Consumer affairs manager confirmed what I had thought.

    They only report negative or collection accounts to the CRAs.

    I was recently denied credit with Nextel last week with an Equifax score of 691. They wanted a $250.00 deposit to open the account, which I paid and agreed to.

    I just cannot understand the type of credit score or criteria they are looking at for approval with Nextel?? I mean the only Derog is a chargeoff from 97. I should have it removed shortly though as soon as they (Cross Country) are served with my suit! LOL!!

  18. ioan

    ioan Well-Known Member

    Re: Question on getting a cell phon


    Thanks all for your answers. So, it seems that there is no way to build credit by getting a cell phone.

    That is disappointing. I am still wondering how to get a
    "healthy mix of credit" when I only have a credit card, I am not a student, I don't want to buy a car and I can't afford to buy a house yet.

    What other "healthy" things can I do for my credit?
    What credit things are definitely reported to the CRA's apart from credit cards, mortgages, etc ?

    Thanks, Ioan
  19. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Re: Question on getting a cell phon

    There is a Cell phone type CRA. I went to Cingular a few months back, they pulled my CRA and said it was fine they just had to check one more bureau (I thought REAL CRA), but they said I owed US Cellular $36 and can't approve me til I pay them.

    I cancelled US Cellular 3 days before my contract expired and they didn't shut the phone off for another 2 weeks, not MY fault. I called US Cellular and they said "Don't worry about it".

    Its for the best, I didnt and DONT NEED a cell phone, I just keep enough change in my pocket for a payphone.
  20. Niner849

    Niner849 Well-Known Member

    Re: Question on getting a cell phon

    Wow, I was reading all of the posts and I will probably go and apply for a cell phone myself. I've actually been thinking about it for a while. Don't know what my credit scores, but according to eloan I have a 545. I don't know how accurate that is or which report that comes off of. I think I just might wait to see what my scores are first. But, at least this way I can kind of tell who requires the least deposit if I'm going to need one.

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