490: Which Way is Up?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Trask, Aug 11, 2002.

  1. Trask

    Trask New Member

    Forgot this in a previous post today:

    Searching and studying for ways to improve an embarassing FICO of 490. Honestly, poor money management was the cause of my financial problems. But, I am trying to change and improve by gathering information and taking a much more disciplined approach to my decisions.

    My thanks to anyone who has any tips for elevating a very low FICO. It is depressing to be in such a financial mess, but this web site is a godsend.
  2. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    in my fantasy world, 490 would be a great FICO score and the only way to make it better is to go lower.. LOL...

    ok I know I am not funny.
  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    To make you feel better, I have a friend that has 409. She isn't trying to make it better though. She is about to let Sears chargeoff!!! I guess she wants to be in the 300's. I tried to tell her that would be STUPID, but she has her priorities all screwed up. At least, YOU are making an effort to make yours better. The best thing is that you've found this board!! Welcome aboard!!!!!!!!! Charlie
  4. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    I started in April with a 493 General score. By working my ass off over the course of less then 6 months I have now gotten a score of 679 with Equifax and 705 with TransUnion. I don't know about my Experian Score because I never ordered one. I can only assume they are pretty close though.

    DO NOT GIVE UP!! You can make it happen.

    I started with close to 17 derogs. on my credit files. I am down to only 1 on 2 reports and 2 on another.

    They were mostly chargeoffs and collection accounts.

    Yes, for the most part they were all mine and I was extremely stupid about money, credit and responsibility.

    I think by repairing your own credit and dealing with these people it makes you appreciate your credit alot more.

    I know I will NEVER mess it up again!

    Stay positive and keep reading the posts on this board. The guys here are the greatest hope of anyone wanting to make bad credit alot better.

  5. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

  6. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    tac. whatd you do? I'd like to see your success story if you have time to present it.

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