As suggested by some of the posters here at Credit Net, EVERYONE here should read the following website: If you receive a letter from them, or even a telegram saying that you have a voice message waiting for you, DO NOT RESPOND! Go to their website, click PRODUCTS and read!! Take care everyone!!
Hi, Awhile ago, I e-mailed PBM and gave the original thread it started in, and the website address, asking him to add it to the FAQ. Better yet, he could make this thread stick at the top? Anything would be good, so people can know what's going on with this company. Your suggestion is great......
FYI- I would NOT suggest that you click on the link instead, copy and paste it into your browser. They can "see" what site people are coming from before your visit if you simply click on it.
Actually this is nothing new, the option to do all that is always present. That's how you retrieve web statistics like how many visited your website, what time? where from? what pages did they visit? how long did they spend at your site? and so on. The fact that Risk-Wise is telling you, means that they intend to do something with it. This information is sent by your web-browser. If you click on a link from Site1 to Site2, Site2 will know that you came from Site1. This is called a referrer. If you typed the URL into a browser window to go to Site2, then it won't know which site you were visiting you before. Now whenever you visit a website, the logs will track the IP you are coming from (this will tell your location among other things) - it'll also know what pages you are viewing and how long you spent at the site (a good estimate)
So what if they find you?? Nothing a Cease and Desist sent Certified and Registered can't take care of if you really don't or can't deal with a collection agency right now. I think it's the other way around for me, I seek them out and mass mail them repeaditly! LOL!! Tac
Some of the products at risk-wise can be dangerous for consumers, and their skip-tracing methods are certainly innovative. But other of their products could help some people, particularly the "thin credit" approval products. How many times have you known someone who always pays their rent on time, utility bills on time and even a layaway or small finance account at a local store, but can't get traditional credit (or qualify for a home loan) because none of that shows up on a credit report? When I was approving apartment applications, one time I paid a personal visit to a local furniture store to check the status of an applicant's account and was able to get him approved on that even though he had an empty credit report. This is more important when you get past a certain age; past age 35 or so, even subprime lenders will not take you if you have an empty credit bureau report (they call you a "ghost"). They'd rather take a person with bad credit (who at least has a history) than someone with no credit (even though they always pay their rent & utilities on time). In any case, risk-wise seems to be a pretty small company that doesn't update their website very frequently (they boast of using Macs with operating system software about 3 generations behind current.)