With scores like these, what kind of card could I apply for? Equifax 722 Experian 710 and TU 728. Just looking for advice ona good prime card. Thanks!
Thanks for the info. I guess my question should have been phrased, with these scores who is most likely to approve me and who has the most generous CL's. Thanks guys!
You shouldn't have problems getting approved....for any card. As for generous lines, my experience shows citi and amex to be the most generous with initila lines.
I'm pretty excited!!!! My first prime card. Did the online thing at Citibank a few minutes ago. 0% BT for 12 mo. and a 9.9 fixed rate. They approved me for 4200.00. I never expected that much. You can bet the frickin' Providian 29.9 is getting transferred immediately. Thanks for your advice guys!!
It was pretty simple for me. 95% of what I needed to know was found here and the other 5% was just making that information fit with what your personal situation was. The two biggest factors for me was the goodwill letter sent and sent to the right person, or re-sent and re-sent until it found the right person and keeping the balances down. While I was completing most of my credit repair I didn't apply for ANYTHING. I asked anyone I was dealing with when credit/finance/insurance, etc. was involved if they pulled credit reports. I guess that's really all I've done. This board is great and the people on it are as well. As anything else in the world, you'll find great advice here and advice that isn't so great, it's up to you to filter it out. Good luck and I hope things go your way!!
Hey kozman, Congratulations...remember...I told you the other day to try Citibank or Bank of America. I am sure you will be approved from Bank of America too. Just keep checking online...way to go...
Thanks everyone!!! This board is wonderful. Alot of people are getting railroaded by the CRA and creditors. This site attempts to even the scales a bit. BTW Citibank pulled Equifax and I live in OH. They initially offered 3000 and then asked if I wanted to do a balnce transfer. I replied yes and they increased it to 4200. I transferred 3000 from Cap One, Providian, Marshall Fields and Lowes, all very high interest cards. The 12 mo. 0% interest is going to enable me to pay this off quick. Again, thanks everyone and have a great day.
LKH, Does it matter what AMEX? Blue Gold, Green? Do they have different criteria for approval? Thanks.
You want AmexBlue. The green card you have to payoff each month, you cannot carry a balance. With the Blue card you can carry a balance and it's got the smart chip! They were very rude to me when I asked for an initial cl increase from $2k. They wouldn't increase it so I don't use it. They wouldn't lower the 12.9% apr. So I just keep it for show and tell. I don't use it. But I'm not trying to discourage you from applying for the card.
I had my Cap. 1 in dispute when I applied and it went up 75pts to 754. Cap does hurt your scores. They pulled Equifax for me. I received an instant online approval. I think they approve anyone over 680 and exclusively pull Equifax.
I have the blue, they pulled Equifax for me, score at the time around 688. I think anything close or over 700 would get you the blue. If you travel and are into the miles, you may want to get that delta, that seems to approve anywhere in the high 600's. My CL is only 2K with the blue and they have not increased it, but i never asked. I think amex is kinda stingy with intial credit lines.