Hello There, Just got approved for a Fleet Titanium Card this is a pre-approved app that was send to me via email... 0% on both BT and purchases for 6 mons and then 9.99 % after the intro.... already got one of the fusion cards and very happy with them.... CL approve for is $2500 not the highest but is fine for now.... Thx, Kev
Congratulations!! The 2500 CL is just a start. It does look like the CC's are lowering their CL's a little. Charlie
Hello Charlielex, Thank You! yeah I already got an account with them for about a year and they send me the pre-approval via email.... I guess is a new way of doing pre-approvals now..... Thx, Kev
Congratulations! Can you tell from your credit reports which CRA they used (a PRM?) in order to make the offer? I don't even know why I'm asking, just gives me something to shoot for. I wouldn't even qualify for cardboard right now, let alone titanium.
Hello lyttlemac, Yeah they pull exp on me and I saw a soft on exp as well...... hope this helps..... Thx, Kev
I was approved for the Fleet Platinum card too a week ago after receiving a pre-qualified offer in the mail. They checked Transunion for both the promotional offer and the approval. The limit is $4,000. My TU score is about 700 with one paid negative (Sears!) from 1996. All the other cards I have been approved for in the past 2 months have a 500-2000 limit (Target Visa, GM Card, and Capital One Platinum) so this is my best credit card after rebuilding my credit history (TU score 463 six months ago!). Mark
What area of the country are from? My TU is OK but I have to stay away from Experian for now. My score at TU is right now 635 but two accounts will appear on it soon, (Universal Plat and Kohls(both new). I am not sure how they will impact my score initially so I am waiting to aply for another card. I have liitle credit so it should improve quite a bit.
Hello Diane143, I am in southern CA.... they pull exp on me.... score is like 698.... hope this helps... Thx, Kev
I am in Tennessee. Here is a list to go by if you live around here: TU: Chase, Fleet, Generations Bank, Countrywide Mortgage Experian: All the Monogram Bank retail cards (Banana Republic, Mens Warehouse, Lowes). Equifax: First USA, Household (GM Card), Target Mark
Thanks I am in Penn. It is so hard to know. Equifax is actually my best score 708 and statistically they are used the least in my area. Transunion being the most probably because they are an hour away from me or so. Actually tran and Equifax have the same exact info on the CR's and there is a 73 point difference. Not fair if you ask me.
I am not sure if it has to do witht he area so much. I have applied for many credit cards, retail cards and even a mortgage and it looks like every company has a preference. I haven't been able to find a pattern though. Mark.