Dear David, Thank you for answering that question. I personally wondered if you would EVER show up on this board and am glad to see that you finally have. Most of what we do here is pretty accurate but there is some erroneous information. I do hope you'll stop by occasionally and help us answer some of our most technical questions. If you do, people will notice your willingness to be of help and will flock to you for assistance, (not that you need the business). Can we rely upon you to make an occasional appearence? Thanx Again,
I must say that I greatly enjoy Scooby Doo myself [when I am not surfing the web]. There is a litmus test to be applied in fraud cases. There are certain methods of examining documents [originals] and we do have certified fraud examiners and fingerprint analysts we use in the most serious cases. We also consider client candor in interviews. You might be surprised how often a potential client backs off when faced with a Spectre Detector, before real dollars are spent on hard analysis. Sorry to disappoint Shaggy but we knew he did it all along after the Spectre Dectector showed it was him, not Scrappy Doo! Thanks for some giggles. David Szwak, Esq.