OMG! BK13, 18 mos old, deleted!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by LisaMc, Aug 13, 2002.

  1. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    I am sitting here absolutely amazed!!!

    I am in the process of dealing with two lawsuits--one against an OC and one against a mortgage company. I have no time to deal with ongoing disputes anymore. I decided to turn my file & my husband's over to the Law Office of Jack Scrold. I talked to them, they seemed very hard core, no nonsense, and I thought if any of these "credit repair" companies could do something, it would be them.

    On the first round of disputes filed by Scrold's office, a CH 13 BK, filed 18 months ago, was deleted!!!!!! Can you believe that! I hired them to get rid of the "included in bk" accounts!!!! I really had no hope that they would get a public record deleted!

    I think their administration / customer service absolutely sucks! In fact, I had sent them a letter yesterday canceling my contract. Needless to say, I am cancelling my cancellation!

    This is one of the rare days in this journey that is truly a high point!
  2. hockeymom

    hockeymom Well-Known Member

    That is AWESOME Lisa! I have a BK7 that I am waiting until I can get the rest of the BK7 accts off my report before I dispute.

  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Wow. That is HUGE!!! Congrats.
  4. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    LisaMc, I can almost guarantee that if you would have sent in a letter it would have been deleted also. I think they are crap. They have $8 an hour people sending out template disputes. Charlie
  5. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    wow - very nice.. congratulations!
  6. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    Mom, I have NEVER disputed the public record. Like you, I took the approach that it was better to delete all of the "included in bk" accounts before concentrating on the public record itself. This logic made sense to me too; however, I still have several of the "included in" accounts left and no public record. Do you think these accounts will now be easier to dispute? They are referencing a public record that no longer exists!

    While I completely understand & agree with your logic, look at what happened to me. I would say dispute the BK7 too. Why not? You might get lucky!
  7. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    Charlie, I agree with you completely! I think they absolutely suck!

    Do you think it was just a fluke? What could they possibly have said in their letter that would cause that deletion? Bad day by the CRA? Bad day at the courthouse? Pacer system down?
  8. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    I must credit George here....

    The "Random Number Generator Theory" holds true. The CH 13 Bk was deleted & my Experian score went up 6 points! It also went up 6 points when Doc's trick deleted 2 inquiries that were both 18 months old. Does this make sense to anyone?

    I have read that you get a huge spike in scores with the deletion of the last negative item on your report. Needless to say, I am a long way from that.
  9. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Fave lisa sister,

    I just had my C13 entry deleted too, from equifax, I'm pretty darned sure, I'll double check when I get home. Which CRA was yours?

    It's a happy happyyyyyyyyyyy day.

    You wouldn't happen to drink long island iced teas would you? I'm buying!


  10. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

    Gotta defend Jack Schrold here. I too was going to cancel, that is before they got to public records deleted from my reports totaling $7000. Their service is more than worth it for that deletion alone. Yes their customer service does suck but they do get results I am living proof.
  11. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    Sassy, is this the greatest thing ever?

    How did you get yours deleted?
    How did you structure your dispute?
    Is it still reporting on TU & EXP?

    Mine was Exp, and as I said above, I have no idea how it happened.

    Yes, make mine a double!
  12. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    Robin were these public records you had disputed before with no luck?

    How do you think they did it when we couldnt?

    I agree with you. It is well worth it if they never delete another thing for me. I hate dealing with them though.
  13. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

    These public records were brand new and had a devastating effect on my score. I had never even tried to dispute them myself because (a) it was a oublic record and they are notoriously hard to get off and (b) I thought I was just not up for the task. Maybe I would have been successful had I tried it myself, then again maybe not. I'm not sure what they said in their dispute but it worked and I really doubt it was just some form letter because the company that took me to court had every bit of my identifying information. The point is they were worth it for me in this case. They may not be the answer for everyone else. But they have certainly earned their fee and I will keep them on until I feel they are no longer effective.
  14. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member


    Congratulations!!! Also, have you checked your score to see what is is now? I bet you have a huge increase!
  15. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    Congratulations to you too, Robin. Feels good doesn't it?
  16. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    Get this, Christi......

    Drum Roll...............

    8 points! Yep, the big 8 point jump!

    This is complete proof to me that George's Random Number Generator Theory is true!

    I gained 8 points deleting two old inquiries with Doc's Trick. Doesn't make any sense at all to me; however, I have read on this board that the real jump comes in the deletion of your last negative. Right now I still have several "included in bk" accounts left some of which are incorrectly reporting past due balances. SO, those kill the score as well. I still would have thought the bk was the big killer. Guess not.
  17. hockeymom

    hockeymom Well-Known Member

    I haven't even attempted the public recordas I heard the best time dispute those is during the Xmas holiday. So I've been busy trying to clean the rest of my report which believe me has PLENTY to keep me busy. That and the lawsuit Providian began against me has kept me on my toes.

    But I got four deletions on my first round with TU so I am encouraged. The next round is for several paid collection accts so we'll see what the results are. Should get those results back around the 21st.

    I did check by BK records against how they are being reported to the 3 CRA's and I did find a few decrepancies which is good.

    And I was justed as an AU on an account so I am waiting to see how that reports.

    Lots to look forward to--hope I'm not too disappointed, LOL

    BTW what does Jack Schold charge for his services? Just cuious incase my BK dispute doesn't work.
  18. hockeymom

    hockeymom Well-Known Member


    I meant to say I was just added an an AU.


  19. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

    Jack Schrold charges $49.00 per month. But since you are having success on your own. Maybe you should waut before you retain him. You may be able to save yourself some money.
  20. hockeymom

    hockeymom Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info Robin.

    I haven't hit a wall yet...just really started cleaning my report at the end of June.

    Just collecting info for future reference. Hopefully I won't need it but I think the last neg tradelines are always the most frustrating.

    We'll see :)

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