Little-Known Debt Reduction Law Help Many to Avoid Unscrupulous Debt Collection Tactics August 12, 2002 â?? Author John Gliha's new debt termination book, "Winning the Collection Game" ( ) has got creditors and attorneys dropping cases as well as fines. Ashamed of his financial problems and a good candidate for bankruptcy, John decided to take a proactive approach of getting himself out of debt. At the next opportunity to respond to a collection notice, John requested a validation of the collection from the attorney. In less than a week, he received a letter from the attorney apologizing and stating that no further collection action would be taken against him. John claims that after several months he managed to get out from $20,000 worth of debts. "I wasn't surprised by their actions because they were merely complying with the Fair Debt Collection Practices and Fair Credit Reporting Act," says Due Process's General Manager and debt termination expert John Gliha. Now John is teaching others how to do the same thing. According to John, the people who know more about this information will be well prepared for those abusive debt collectors. He also claims that in the last eight years, he has personally worked with literally thousands of people around the world to help them duplicate his results without all the trial and error. Based in Maryland, Collection Freedom ships their information products worldwide. For a free copy of the correspondence John used to stop his creditor's harassment, go to . Says John, "The best thing about this business is seeing people take their financial situations into their own hands and out of the hands of their creditors. The most rewarding part for me is when I get a letter or email from someone telling me how much this information has improved their life." For more information, visit their website or call 1-800-706-0436. John is also available for interviews. Source: Company Press Release
I am a member of I believe that there are a few things that the dueprocess board helps with credit repair, but I think that overall they are way out there. This board is 100 times better than dueprocess. I still receive their daily emails, although I don't read them but once a month, maybe. Do what you want, just my opinion. Charlie
I am a member of Due Process also. Some of his ideas are good some not so good, some are wayyyy beyond what I would consider reasonable, although, like the nutcase letters, a lot of the time it works. Just one big question, why pay for something when you can get it free? And make some friends in the process.... Incidentally, anyone remember when Gliha got involved with the offshore scam?? Well, anyone who would fall for that, isn't going to advise me about my finances. I read the newsletters, usually chuckle a little, and go on.