I'm talking about a photocopied check that was passed off as the original and presented to the bank for payment.
1*If the check is good and the bank pays it the bank sends it to the writer of the check when they send the account holder their monthly account statement . 2*If the check bounces it is sent back to the person who the check was written out to,
1*You can't send the original check when the check copy has been forged either can you? 2*-4*Picture this:Judge lets see the check Plaintiff presents allegded bounced check. Defendant presents original blank check. Case Closed! 5* this is why check copies don't fly with me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If something like this has never happened to you don't knock it till you try it!! LB 59
Feels so good to miss those posts, hahahahaha!!! I'm with you keepmine, bad check writers who made a mistake run to the bank with the money and make good right away. If they don't have the money they call you and explain and make arrangements. Accepting a check for payment is not the same as extending a person credit. The states that make it a crime are right on the money.
quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by keepmine lb59 I have no earthly idea what you're talking about. ------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm talking about a photocopied check that was passed off as the original and presented to the bank for payment.lb59 Of course breeze wouldn't know that because she didn't read my post so the best she can do is the following ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^---Feels so good to miss those posts, hahahahaha!!! I'm with you keepmine, bad check writers who made a mistake run to the bank with the money and make good right away. If they don't have the money they call you and explain and make arrangements. Accepting a check for payment is not the same as extending a person credit. The states that make it a crime are right on the money. Breeze ============================= Her comments didn't have a D** thing to with what i was talking about because she is keeping herself ignorant with the ignore button.lb59 LB 59
Ignorance is having a billion posts and still not knowing how to PROPERLY use the quote button. She most likely has better things to do with her time than to try and decipher what you are trying to say and who you are saying it to or about.
Update: I went to the check writerâ??s bank this morning and presented the check. The teller called over a supervisor who said funds were available. I signed my name to this form and they filled in the rest. The teller gave me a certified check for the full amount. I immediately went to my bank and did the deposit! I appreciate everyones input and advice on this matter. But I have something thing to say to lbrown because I got totally offended by your posts: Just because you MAY have had a bad experience with someone passing off a photocopy to your bank doesn't mean I WOULD. You claim that I should show the maker the original check â?? I sent him a copy of the original - repeatedly! On my final attempt to collect before I sent it to the agency, I had a notary certify that the copy (front and back) was from the original instrument! Having the original is the only leverage I have in collecting! I did get the full amount of the check â?? but who has to eat the return check charges on MY account (29 X 2 (redeposit) = 58.00)! How dare you insinuate that I would â??forgeâ? a copy and send it to the maker! Let me ask you this: you work and expect to be paid â?? your employer gives you your paycheck and it bounces â?? twice! Wouldnâ??t you be upset! Would you turn around and give your employer the original check back? Greg
So happy you got your money Greg....so sorry bout the fees they sure hurt. Too bad the banks can't just add them to the person writing the bad check's account. Not fair at all. Tuit
I second that!! LB you slam Breeze for speaking what I'm sure 90% of us who read this thread (and many others) were thinking. Like George said bring them to the AG. Side note- Maybe if you explained it entirely instead of in bits and pieces we would understand
1*Didn't say you would. In 1995 Ohio Bell did exactly that to me with 5 of them. Last month Sprint did it 3 times. Ohio Bell hit me with 5 15.00 dollar bounced check fees on the fake checks.I still have the 5 original blank unused checks that Ohio bell screwed me on. Why would I accept faked copies from Oh Bell as proof of returned checks? These aren't the only incidents of this happening to me. 2*See N0.1 3*This can't be done when there is no original check. Personally I would not accept such certification. With me it's the original or no dice. 4*The original can always be shown to the check writer without the payee loosing the leverage to collect, unless of course the payee doesn't have it.I have never had to make good on a check without seeing the original check. If you're concerned about loosing collection leverage keep a copy of the check. 5*Here is a tip to avoid this in the future. Cash the check first then deposit the money. You could have avoided the second $29.oo fee by collecting on the check like you just did. 6*I suggested you show the guy the original check to strengthen your case not to imply anything about you. LB 59
1*Fees like those are very easy to avoid as I explained in another post in this thread. 2*They did add them to the guys account. 3*I agree with this 100%.You should never be held accountable for somebody elses checking account.
1*Look Greg: We both got screwed on a check deal gone wrong. I didn't get offended at you because it happened to you so why should you get offended at me because it happened to me.