Advice NEEDED Badly

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by quest, Aug 18, 2002.

  1. quest

    quest Member

    Ok here's the thing. I started the repair process about a week ago. Started it off as disputing 2 chargeoffs with equifax..namely JCP and bellsouth mobility..I get a letter from a CA named RMA about a Sears chargeoff. The letter said they were notified that an inquiry was made on my credit report and to contact them so they could assist me in clearing the balance owed. blah blah and so on. I havent touched that chargeoff yet so should I go ahead and deal directly with them (asking for debt validation) that such thing?
  2. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member


    This might not answer your question, but:

    I have read on this board that Jcpenny usually validates.

    I don't know about Bellsouth Mobility.

    I noticed that when I started dealing with Equifax, I started getting letters from RMA.

    It seems everytime I pull my credit report (about once every 20 days), I get a letter from them.

    Sears will sell accounts to anyone, including my neighbor.

    I had 5 collection agencies at one time trying to collect from 1 sears account.

    Sears is set to fall off in December of this year.

    Also, I have noticed Sears will re-age the original account. So make sure you have the original date of last delinquency with them.

    I disputed each collection agency as 'not mines'.

    Technically it wasn't.

    I know first hand that RMA doesn't respond to validation requests, so I let the CRA's deal with them.

    I was so frustrated that I just wanted these CA's off my report, which is why I didn't pursue it further.

    Even if this doesn't answer your question, at least I got it moved up ;-)

    Oh, I forgot, good luck.....
  3. dep_tx

    dep_tx Well-Known Member

    I would not reply to RMA unless they are showing on my CR, if they are not I just ignore them.
  4. quest

    quest Member

    Thx for the advice! RMA is showing but I'm going to just ignore them and deal directly with the CRA.
  5. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    RMA is part of Equifax. I have only seen RMA show up on an EQ credit report. I may be wrong about them not showing up on TU and EX. You need to dispute thru RMA. EQ will verify, because they are the same company. Charlie
  6. MiamiBlues

    MiamiBlues Well-Known Member


    Why don't you start with BellSouth Mobility? That should be the easiest one since they're now part of Cigular Wireless.

    The reason I say this is because I was disputing an unauthorized inquiry last summer that BellSouth Mobility put on my EQ report 2 years ago. When I tried to get someone at Cigular to help me they said sorry but BellSouth Mobility is history and we can't help you.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member


    Was the inquiry ever deleted?

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