Okay, I really want to apply for a card... just checked my TUFAKO is 695... you would think I could get something! Kohls turned me down with a 682, I will ask for reconsideration. My negs are Providian 1X60 1X 30 day late from 9/2000 Provident (mortage) 1X30 from 6/2000 First National Bank (3X30, 2X60, 2X90) from 3/2000 and USA funds paid chargeooff from 5/96 any ideas.... do i jsut wait for the student loan to come off and continue the nutcase for FNB and develop patience
Patience is so hard while doing this. I swore I wasn't going to apply for anything, and then this week I get a $2000 Best Buy card. I'm weak!!
good to hear tracy! i got the credit builder chevron card ..Its not much, but Im proud of it. but hey i just started ;0 they said I'd get the form for it in the mail next week. i used to have sooo many gas cards they'd get left in the sock drawer..funny how now I can't wait to get this one.
It is just so frustrating.. when my TU score was in 400's i did not even dream of applying for anything, now i am almost to seven hundred club and still can't get anything! damn.. well the sl is due to fall off anyday now and then I am working the banking dept with fnb.. providian isn't going anywhere, but I will pay down balance and provident bank mortage will be paid off when i refi (thanks to fla-tan).
UnionDiva, As long as you have no unpaid c/o's or collections you should qualify with 695. G/L Let us know what happens.
I wish our student loans were going to fall off. I figure I'll goodwill, and nutcase till they're sick of hearing from me, and during CHOD I'll send the CRA's a copy of our forbearance letter, with the dates of the late pays. And, if it still doesn't go away, I'll at least have the letter as proof when we try to buy a house. Hopefully, it'll be enough. But, I digress. Uniondiva, what cards have you been denied? I would think with those scores, you should be sitting pretty!!