Finally!! After disputing with Experian, they have updated my actual credit limit. Now, 100% accurate with Credit Limit and credit being used upto 07/2002. Thanks Experian. -Gavenraj
I've looked at 4 different people's Exp reports for Citi reporting this morning and 2 reported the credit limit, 2 didn't. These ARE NOT AA accounts, but regular MC accounts that have always reported a limit in the past. Who knows why they are reporting some, not others, but it seems like a huge tactical error to me. You can't log onto a computer these days without seeing an offer to "check your credit." Consumers are more credit-savvy than in the past. When people figure out what Citi is doing they will not be happy. If it is a strategy to *capture* more good customers (by lowering their scores and hoping they won't be offered deals by competitors) I say it will backfire bigtime. I've always loved Citibank, but they are on my bad list this month.
i had this problem too.. On two citibank accounts. 1 17500 Plat Mc showed limit as N/A 1 2800 Citi AAdvantage showed limit as N/A I just disputed it wrote in my credit limit and it came back updated with the right CL in about a week and has been stable since then. I personally think that it is Experians reporting system that is messed up. On equifax and trans union my citi account updates every month on experian it seems to only update about once every 3 months. hmmm... Kev
This is the latest trend in credit reporting. Cap 1 doesn't report credit limits either and it is believed that they're doing it for competitive reasons. When a competitor pulls your credit report, they can see which companies have given you what credit limits. They can then tailor their pitch to you to based upon this. A classic example: I have a friend who only had a Discovercard with $6,200 CL. He then was offered B of A and they gave him $6,400. Along comes Citi and they gave him $6,500. 2 months after Citi, Discover bumped him to $6,700. If someone doesn't report CL though, they have the edge over their competition because they know what others are doing but the others don't. I remember reading an article somewhere about the growing problem of credit reporting. It started because some predatory home lenders wouldn't report to the credit bereaus. If they didn't report, then people's scores wouldn't improve and people were stuck with crappy home loans. Some federal organization got involved and "encouraged" these groups to start reporting. Personally, I don't think this problem will go on too long. When FICO started releasing scores, they thought that the people who would scream the most would be those with lousy scores. Instead, those with good scores screamed because their scores weren't as good as they thought they should be. When enough "good" people start seeing their scores go down because of this, I'm sure Citi and Cap1 will see the error of their ways.
They again screwed me about a week ago and Experian is not reporting my Citibank credit limit. I have again disputed it again with Experian. This is rediculous. I will probably have to continue to disputer on a monthly basis. -Gavenraj
The CL will be gone again next month when Citi updates. I call the Consumer Special Services office in Texas every month and fax them my statement. The next morning it's updated and my score goes back up. The next month, it drops twenty points, and I go through the whole rigamarole again. But, it keeps my score up, and it continuously points out to Experian what a pain in the arse that Citibank is being. Hopefully, that will have an effect at some point. I would encourage all of you to do the same. The phone number is 800-322-3162 and the fax number is 972-390-1680.
Thanks, I will try this on Monday. Is their something you specifically tell them before you fax the statement over to them. It seems quite fast for them to update it in one day. -Gavenraj
I've been telling them that I'm getting ready to get a mortgage (true) and I need every point I can get ASAP. They seem to understand, and i've had good luck with it. Each time (three times now) it's been done by the next morning.
Hmmmm, Happy morning here. Woke up at 4AM couldn't sleep. What's a Creditnetter to do?? I pulled my Experian report of course. MY Citi AA card is now not reporting a limit. My score is down 30 points and this is the only change. Boy does that piss me off. EdG
I have a new Citi card that has just started this past week to report and they aren't reporting the CL! Grrrrrr! L
I am beginning to believe that this is experian and not the reporters. My citi card shows the limit on TU and Equifax, but not Exp. Also, a new loc that I got shows the limit as N/A and appears that the amount I am using now is the high credit limit. Only on Exp. I just disputed my citi card with Exp. yesterday. Today I am faxing them a whited out statement showing the limit. I also had to dispute my old car loan that was paid off in June but not showing as such. This maintenance is bunch of b.s.. BTW, My score dropped 19 pts. because of the appearance of being maxed out with citi and the loc.
This is upsetting. My CITI limits were showing a month or so ago and are not now. In the interim I applied for a Discover card and score has dropped because they are not reporting the limit on one CITI card and are not reporting the other CITI card at all. The second card has the lowest balance and of course the one reporting (without the limit) is the highest balance. Ticks me off! This is why we have to check our reports constantly and then we end up with hundreds of our own inquiries!
I called Citi this morning. The CSR put me in touch with their credit reporting unit. The woman swore up and down that they had reported my limit to Experian as usual. She said she would report again today. I'm also begining to think this is an Experian issue. EdG
I called Citibank's Executive Office today and I've been told they do report all informations to all CRA's including Experian. They have no idea why Experian displays Credit limit item as NA.
I called Experian also. I asked why my credit limit shows as NA. The operator said it's not the case. Then I asked her what is my credit limit. She said $8900. I said it's not my credit limit. It's my highest balance. My credit limit is much higher. Then she said they will contact Citibank and find out. What a mess !!! I think we all need to push this issue to be fixed.
TU and EQ for CITI plat sel mc has C/L EXP C/L is N/A in JUNE EXP had my C/L listed.... I will wait for next month to see if they update C/L Tony V. San Diego, Ca
As usual this is a scam by credit companies. I just faxed Exp my statement with the proper "Credit Line." Hopefully, they will quickly update accurately. This crap they are pulling, on purpose or not, is hurting all of us here and we have to be proactive and each of us needs to actively and agressively pursue Citibank and Exp for maintaining our credit lines accurately. Sorry for my ranting.... -Raj