Got Kohl's

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by PIMA, Aug 19, 2002.

  1. PIMA

    PIMA Active Member

    I do not have any retail cards and needed one to add just for a mix of credit. The only one I was interested in was Kohl's. The problem is the my TU score is way way down in the hole. Thanks to you guys I learned that Kohls only pulls TU and you need a score at least 630. I finally got a score of 634 on TU. I crossed my fingers and applied in the store. I DID NOT get instant approval . I was told I would receive a letter in 7-10 days. Well, today in my mailbox... a Kohl' card with a $300 limit.
    I so happy. Just taking baby steps towards getting this credit monkey off my back.
  2. Bunter

    Bunter Well-Known Member

  3. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    great news PIMA!
  4. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    Congrats! Even more proof that CN DOES help people immensely. Sharing our success and failures help us all.
  5. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

  6. newstdt

    newstdt Well-Known Member

    What derogs (if any) Pima, and how recent??

    I tried calling them and asking about having a past bk, they wouldn't commit one way or the other, just said we'd have to just try. Too vague for me, I just can't afford any more inquiries. My tu is in the mid 650-675 range.

    Congrats to you though! Every positive step helps.

  7. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    That's great!
  8. MandyB

    MandyB Well-Known Member

    Congrats! It's good for people to know that w/ this company the 7-10 day notification doesn't mean an automatic denial letter.
  9. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    I just did a planetfeedback to ask for reconsideration with a 695 TU score

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