I am working on getting certified as a doula, and helped my first Mother through birth early this morning! All went well and I am so glad I decided to do this. While this won't make me rich it is a VERY rewarding job. I Just wanted to share!
Hey if you're gonna be helping give birth you might want to change your name from Ohno-STUCK. LOL congrats
LMAO you may be right! That is only my creditnet handle. I do not use this for anything else. Thanks everyone, it is so exciting! Our first 4 births are through the hospital (in exchange they pay for my classes). I was already offered a job directly through the hospital this morning, but told them that I would get back to them. I think that I would rather do it on my own. This way I could choose to perform these services on a sliding scale. My birth this morning was with a 15 year old very scared girl. Her Mother was VERY against her keeping her baby and had no one there to support her. I would like to do these cases for free if possible. The hospital of course, does not work that way. Of course I would love happier situations, but the fact that these things happen still exist. I meet my next Mother tomorrow and she SHOULD be giving birth in the next two weeks!
Congrats ohno... Having helped my wife with our 2 children (the second of which popped out after she laughed at a joke I told) was the most awesome experience of my life. Lucky you to be a part of the world that brings life to it.
Dump the hospital. Start working with a few midwives and educating expectant mothers on the safety, privacy and joy of home-birth. Oh, not to mention how much cheaper it is. All four of my children were at home. Three with a midwife and one with a doctor. I would NEVER want to be in a hospital with a newborn, and besides, it's all so impersonal and sterile. Just my very not so humble opinion...