A bit of Target info...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Om, Aug 22, 2002.

  1. Om

    Om Well-Known Member

    I don't understand these people, I called about 2-3 weeks ago asking for an APR reduction and was told that I already received my one time manual reduction. Per their rules I guess this is all you get. I was also told that all limit increases are manual "so hold your horses".
    Today I called again and......."It looks like you have not received you one time reduction yet so yes, I can reduce your APR down one level". She then transfered me, the rate was reduced and I was asked if they could do anything else for me.
    I asked if the same one time manual rule was valid for limit increases and she said, "no, we are able to increase limits more than once. Would you like one?"
    All of this only got me to 12.9% w/a $700 increase but it's better than the lack of success I had last time.
  2. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member


    Well congratulations on the interest decrease and cl increase. I guess it depends who you talk to. How long have you had the Target Visa account?
  3. Harpsong

    Harpsong Well-Known Member

    How long have you had your card?
  4. dimitri

    dimitri Well-Known Member

    I just had a successful conversation with someone at target. I called to see about a credit limit increase. I told them that have several cards with larger limits, well actually I only have 2, b of a 1000. and cap1 900.00 and that I would use the card more but 500.00 limit really doesnt help much. I was shocked when the rep said ok well we can increase your limit to 1500. is there anything else we can help you with. I said while your at it maybe an apr reduction, so she gave me the 15.9%. I have the account less than 3 months so I am quite pleased.
  5. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    What # are you calling?????? I can't get anywhere when I call the # on the back of the card.
  6. annie

    annie Well-Known Member

    I felt bold and called the number on the back of my guest card and got raised from $200 to 500.
    She was only going to go to 400, but I said, look I have three kids and that will not help much. so she raised it to $500. I have also had the guest card less than three months. I love this board.
  7. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    I thought we were talking about the Visa. Am I corn-fused?
  8. annie

    annie Well-Known Member

    Well, we were. But I figured if they are throwing increases to the Visa, they may be giving them for the guest card also. And I was right. So from one Ann to another, give them a call.
  9. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

  10. MandyB

    MandyB Well-Known Member

    I would appreciate the number too...
  11. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Well, I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't tried it myself. Yep. They sure are giving increases. The first line cust service rep said no can do. I talked to her for a minute and then asked if she could transfer me to "credit services". That is the key, I think. I spoke to them, got put on hold for a minute, and when she came back, I got the same $700 increase. I had already gotten a $1000 increase when I got the card before activating.

    PS call the # on your statement. 888-755-5856
  12. annie

    annie Well-Known Member

    Here is the number I called 1-800-659-2396, it on the back of the guest card.
  13. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    I called again, argued with the rep, got transferred to credit services, and GOT 500$! Like LKH said, talking to credit services is the trick. Tomorrow I'm gonna call and pretend to be my husband to get an increase on his! I didn't think I'd ever get an increase with them. It's not the amount that has me excited, it's the VICTORY! (Are we allowed to do Victory dances?)
  14. Om

    Om Well-Known Member

    i got the card (visa) last feb. and had my first apr reduction then.
    called the number on back of my card....888.755.5856
  15. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    Those of you that are getting these increases how long have you had your card ? I just got mine a few weeks ago and have another question for you all if you don't mind. Is target good about reporting to all three agencies , and also do they report the limit or high credit ? I just got my estatement today, the paper bill should be coming soon LOL... Thanks!
  16. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    I've had mine since Feb. Got my first apr reduction then, and I forgot to mention that when I spoke to the rep about an increase, she also lowered my apr another tier.
  17. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    And yes, they do report to all three and report the actual CL.
  18. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    I never called to request a APR reduction - I think I might do that now. I think it's too soon for a limit increase I've barely had the card a month. Do they pull a inquiry on your report when requesting a increase ?
  19. Reshod

    Reshod Well-Known Member

    Contacted target, got the standard party line, "no manual increases."
  20. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    Did you ask to be transfered to "credit services"?

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