Okay so I decide to pull my credit report thur eloan just for the heck of it even after I see that its thru Equifax. Well the information is VERY DIFFERENT! Is this common or what ? Now I don't know what to think. This showed TWO COLLECTIONS that are not mine , that doesnt show thru the equifax website. Also it shows FOUR INQUIRES that are mine, but they dont show on my equifax report and are less than 2 years old. Does anyone have ANY ideas ? This is crazy! It shows two collections one from '99 for $29, and one from last year for $129 both from Cornerstone Enterprises, whatever that is. I just turned 18 this year so I know that these can't be mine and I dont have ANY collections. These dont show on the report I pull straight thru Equiax, and I shouldnt. Ideas and advice are greatly appreciated!
Well I just checked my equifax credit report again and it DOES NOT list these at all. However when I pulled it thru eloan it said that its powered by equifax. There is a mix up somewhere. Should I even worry about this since the actual Equifax report doesnt list these ? I just received a copy of my report in the mail thru CSC (an affiliate of EQ) and it doesnt list them either. Experian didn't list them as well, and im still waiting to receive my transunion report. My EQ Score certainly wouldn't be 701 if I had collections I dont believe , and I surely wouldnt have gotten recent credit that I have. Very confusing...
Eloan is messed up. Mine says I have been 90 days late 11 times within the last 2 years. Only problem is I do not have any lates on my credit report. they are braindead over there.
Whew! Thanks for replying I was starting to wonder if I was going to have a huge mess on my hands. I guess this is just some Eloan problem its self. Im not even going to worry about it then. I never have had any collections and if I can help it , I never will! Thanks!
I've always followed the threads on eloan but never bothered to try it. Do they pull a hard or a soft?
The eloan score you get is based on TU info. If you were to apply for credit however, ..example{car loan, personal, they would pull Equifax}. That is the difference.
This is why last week I said the E-LOAN question should be in the FAQ, it gets asked all of the time! When you get your CreditXpert score from E-LOAN, they pull your TransUnion report. This is a soft inquiry, account review I think. Other services through E-LOAN, such as the free report through ConsumerInfo, or if you get a loan, all seem to use Equifax.