Well, where to begin..... I just want to thank everyone for generosity. Please don't think that I am a one-hit wonder and left the scene. I had to take a break. Better yet, I had to take a break, no stable internet connection. ;-) Anyway, where to begin..... Well, to summerize from before, I was really feeling bad about everything. My husband hadn't had a job since Oct. of last year, our bank account was overdrawn, and the little institutional help we had been receiving had to be paid back. I was in the pits. Then, I applied to a master's program in central IL and for housing. I knew I was getting in, they just couldn't reject me. Well, we were denied housing and I didn't get into that program. My husband still couldn't get a job to save his life. We had very little to put food on the table plus save our checking account. Our checking account was saved and not reported to chexsystems due to the generosity and open hearts on this board. They helped my family when we were at our lowest point ever and there is no way I can ever repay them except to give to the next person I see in need. So, it was moving day. We had to move in with granny because my mother at the last minute told me I couldn't stay with her. Bummer eh? She had already told her cousin and her 4 kids she could come but didn't have the heart to tell me until the last minute. So, feeling as betrayed as anyone could, off to granny's we went. So, since granny gets charged .5/minute to be online, I couldn't spend much time there. I dropped off the board without a trace. In the meantime, I applied to another master's program in spanish linguistics and phonetics. That is what I have my degree in and don't ask me why I didn't apply there first. I don't know. I thought that I could use my spanish in education, the other program applied for, but the program denied me and said my application wasn't good enough. So, I just found out that I am accepted. How is that!!!?!? I didn't think I had a chance at all because I applied after the deadline. We also privately bought a house. It is a 2 br 1 ba and only 540 sq. ft. but it is mine and the note plus taxes is under $400/month. Can't beat that with a stick!!! I know I an rambling so please bear with me. So, I am in school and in the program that I have always wanted to be in and to make things better, I will start teaching college courses next semester. It would have started this semester but I was admitted too late. My husband is getting more steady contract work and of course, that is great! It's kind of late and I know my writing suffers when I am tired but because of so much going on, I haven't been able to participate as much as I have wanted to. For those who helped me in my time of need, you have my sincerest and deepest gratitude and thanks. I hope once things gets settled, I can work on my credit some more. Thanks guys!
Hi Let me be the first to say congrats...) Funny how life works out sometimes huh ? I'm glad to see you pulled through now can give the rest of us some hope to see the light at the end of the tunnel Jamie
congratulations Milkmom! I had been wondering where you were and if you were okay. It sounds like things are finally getting on the right track for you. Congrats!
Thanks guys. I just want to make sure that everyone knows that my intention was never to abuse anyone's generosity and kindness on this board. But yes, I don't know about life sometimes. It is one heck of a rollercoaster!!! I am a professor in training so watch out!!! It's good to be bad even if it's only part-time... lol
It may not seem so yet-- but this may turn out to be the best thing that hapenned to you. In years to come, when you think of the strangers who came forward to help you, you will be able to draw upon this memory to substain your faith in humanity. I remember still the people who helped me,50 + years ago, when my own family would or could not. My highest "credit score" is having the resources and ability to help others.
I totally agree with you. My husband and I will never forget what happened here. This is not even talking about all of the knowledge and experiences available to all who come in regards to credit issues. Yes, the old faith tank is back on "F". lol
MilkMom, remember the scene in the last part of the movie "Parenthood" >>>> when Steve Martin and wife were taking Grandma to the play, and she talks about why she always liked roller coasters, instead of just going round and round.... You should be commended for hanging onto that coaster, ups and downs and twists and turns. What strength and perseverance. Wishing you the very best ! ( I bet you will be a great teacher ! lucky college students who get to take a course from you !)