GM card

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by LKH, Aug 24, 2002.

  1. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I applied almost 2 weeks ago for the GM card. It was the same day that I found out Target had closed my visa on me. I got the Target card reopened and then got a $700 increase this week. (thanks to om).
    I was approved for the gm card - $5000 cl , 9.9 % apr , 0 % first 6 months. I called just now before activating the card. I told them I needed an increase to do a bt. They gave me another $2000 before I even activated the card. Yeehaaww.
  2. thickman66

    thickman66 Well-Known Member

    That is great. I think I will call them too...they only gave me $1500. I just activated the card yesterday.
  3. allen074

    allen074 Well-Known Member

    could you post your credit scores please :)
  4. thickman66

    thickman66 Well-Known Member

    I had:

    Eq: 653{Only because I had some disputes going on}....they pulled Eq because GM uses Household bank.
  5. JCandel

    JCandel Active Member

    Want to share this with members of this Board!
    Just got approved online for this GM Card... Don't Know the CL limits, yet... But thanks to everyone that had help me to get a Prime Card, by Posting their situations, and how its being handle..
    Started Last year w/ 5 collections, 4 differents 30 days late, some 60 days late, and 2 90 days late including student loan ( haven't figured out how this one dissapeared, did everything.)
    Now the only thing left is one 30 days late from HRS USA( lost payment) and one Paid CA..(going to tried Goodwill on it)

    But thanks to everyone that has posted in this FANTASTIC-BOARD.

    EQ===> 653
    EX===> 651
    TU===>545 ????? Never understood why so low
  6. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Great job!!
  7. thickman66

    thickman66 Well-Known Member

    You the MAN!!! Keep on keeping on.
  8. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Looks like GM is the easiest prime card to get scorewise. The only thing is with the rewards I don't buy GM. What is the max $ that you can put towards a purchase and are the points transferable? Charlie
  9. flush

    flush Well-Known Member

    which CRA do they pull? GM that is.
  10. voodochild

    voodochild Well-Known Member

  11. voodochild

    voodochild Well-Known Member

    The GM card arived today OMG cl $5000 and 9.9%
    I am so happy! thanks guys
  12. allen074

    allen074 Well-Known Member

    voodoo if you dont mind me asking, how much total cc debt and credit lines do you have?

    i have about the same scores as you but a LOAD of cc debt (about 17k)

  13. dimitri

    dimitri Well-Known Member

    just applied online and got this message:

    Thank you for responding online.

    We are processing your application and you can expect to hear from us within 10 to 14 business days by mail. Should you have any questions regarding your application, please e-mail us at or call 1 877 277-0948, Monday-Friday between 6:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Pacific Time).

    Please take a few minutes to browse our website to see the benefits that are available to you as a GM Cardmember.

    Once you receive your card, register for Online Account Access to get quick, reliable service:
    View your current and past statements online
    Pay your bill online
    Choose email alerts you would like to receive
    Check your recent transactions

    Looks kind of positve, I usually get a flat denial from household with denial reasons. I am hoping this is a good sign. I will post my results as soon as I find out.
  14. voodochild

    voodochild Well-Known Member

    this was the same message I got. About one week later I got an email telling me I was approved.
  15. neosmatrix

    neosmatrix Well-Known Member

    voodoo was your eq score the same when they pulled???
  16. voodochild

    voodochild Well-Known Member

    heck no!! My score was magically elevated 777.
  17. thickman66

    thickman66 Well-Known Member

    If you get that message after your online app....just call their 800 # and they will go ahead and finish processing your app and approve/deny you....probably will approve though.
  18. dimitri

    dimitri Well-Known Member

    I am not a very patient person so I finally called them. Well they put me on hold and the lady came back and said she approved me for 2000.00 I am extremely happy, I was hoping for 5000.00 but I can not complain, 6 months ago my credit was shot now I am getting prime cards. I am gratefull for all the good advise on this board. I smell a citicard in my near future.
  19. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    If you qualify for a GM card, chances are you may qualify for a Citi AA card.
    As for the GM card, call back right now and tell them you applied because you wanted to do a balance transfer and you would like them to reconsider you for an additional $2-3000. They will do this while you wait and give you an immediate yay or nay. I did this before activating my card and got an additional $2000.
  20. dimitri

    dimitri Well-Known Member

    Slight problem with telling them about a balance transfer. I have 0 balances on everything. Maybe I can tell them I am planning on a large purchase in the next 2 weeks and would like to use this card for that? Also, Citibank declined me in may, I am going to reapply after all my results on docs trick are in if I regain enough points. Citi always pulls experian on me.

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