rblue, The suit is going fine I suppose. I have an attorney handling it, and it is in federal court, so the process is slow. So far, they haven't even appeared at the hearings, so we are hoping to get a default judgement against them and go for the big bucks. I'll keep everyone posted as soon as I hear anything..
hmm this is tough. I have validated with NCO twice now and they caved each time and deleted before the 30 days were even up. I then took on CCS but they caved too. I took on equifax and they caved. Dammit nobody ever puts up a fight. Oh well, I will go with united collection bureau for constant lying. they did not cave and have a court date coming next month. cya there boys and girls.
Bud Hibbs site shows what he believes to be the worst and ones to avoid. Charlie http://www.budhibbs.com/agenciesavoid.asp
with equifax it was their small division cbc credit services. They told me all the info to get and when I gave it to them they told me it was not good enough so I sent an intent to sue letter in and 1 hour later they took the bogus stuff off my credit report. since then I have someone I can personally call which is nice. I am gonna send her a couple six flags tickets tomorrow in the mail so she will be surprised.
And the list is soooooo right at budhibbs! We had are first run in with Allen Lewis & Associates last week. They make NCO look like your best friend!
Viking Collection Services. Called while I was in the hospital, talked to my mom. Asked why I was in the hospital, she told them I had just had a baby. He said, "Oh, another deadbeat debtor is born!!". She hung up on him.