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weird situation, please help!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by desperate, Aug 20, 2002.

  1. mitchra

    mitchra Well-Known Member


    I do not think this is an issue any longer. Since Transouth failed to properly perfect their PMSI on the vehicle by registering it in the local court they can not legally lay claim to it. TranSouth is stuck dealing with her at this point. It is a technical deal, but PMSI's have to be properly registered with the court within a set time limit in order to be enforced. Since the car was resold, the new finance company has placed their PMSI on the vehicle, and the first one to the courthouse is the one with the perfected PMSI. I am going on pure memory here from a graduate BLAW class I took several years ago, so if any legal types have a better understanding, please correct me. The second car dealer should be fine.
  2. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Ahhh, now this board is real fun. A philosophical discussion, my favorite. This doesn't apply to just the above, but to a whole lot of post.
    If an alcoholic says "it's bad to drink too much," does that make it less true.
    If a smoker with lung cancer says, "Smoking is bad for you" does that make it less useful advice.
    If a child speaks the most profound wisdom ever spoken, does that make it less profound.
    My point. .
    Good advice is good advice, no matter what the source. Hypocritical or not. Truth is still truth, even from the mouth of a fool. It is up to each individual to ignore the messenger, and accept the message when true.

    Meanwhile, leave Desperate alone. if she doesn't get it by now, she's not going to. The School of hard knocks is the hardest and most painful teacher, but usually the only way most of learn. IF you do believe in God, there's even less reason to be judgemental. Let God, karma, whatever deal with it. Telling somebody once is advice, twice is annoying, thrice is judging.

    This has been a Public Service Annoucement for Humblemarc's Soapbox. (please stop booing in the back row)

  3. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    Bravo Humblemarc!
  4. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    had to check in!!!

    I didn't read thru all the posts so excuse me if this has been addressed, but WHO has the title to the first car?

    You are paying on a loan for a vehicle that isn't in your possesion, and you AREN'T paying for a vehicle that WAS in your possesion??

    The whole thing seems wrong, but in the end, if I've read correctly washes out????

    If anything comes of it, why not say you thought your payments were going towards the 2002???

    Big mess, but I don't think one person here is to blame, too many other hands in the pot.
  5. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    1*Right KHM
    She's paying for 1 car she's only got one car-so where's the problem?
    Or should she be paying for all three cars or maybe she should be expected to give up the 1 car she has and still pay for one car.
    It's a 1 for 1 deal.One payment for one car.How much simpler could it be?
    3*Yeah: but it's all her fault because she didn't work for nothing doing everybodys job for them!Yeah Rite!
    Sure it's a screwed up deal but I fail to see where anybody is out anything.
    a*All the dealers got their money out out all the cars.
    b*all 3 car buyers got a car for their money
    c*at this point in time the lender has gotten all their money.
  6. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    My only consideration is what happened to the poor slob that bought the 'defective' car (the 2002) from the dealership that you traded it in to?

    A bad situation made worse...

    I'm not judging you, I have been tempted with the title deal before (accidentaly got someone else's title mailed to me and they had the same last name as me).

    I am glad that you are doing the right thing and I don't see why the lender is being such a prick about it since you have offered to pay the loan back over time and you are still current.

    I look forward to knowing the final outcome.

  7. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    This is not desperates problem.
    This happens every day.
    *So it's bad that some poor slob bought the car but it was all right to stick desperate with it!
    If you ever get hold of a LEMON do you promise not to trade it in to prevent some poor slob from coming along later and buying it from the dealer.
  8. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    I would hope that I am not buying someone elses lemon for my family's sake (imagine your traded in lemon broken down with a 3 month old baby in it because you did not want to be responsible and deal with the lemon). I would never pawn my lemon off on someone else, there are ways to do things and the law protects you from lemon dealers if you act properly.

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