I've done alot with my credit....lots of things are gone....I still have about 4 derogs on each report ( the same ones) They won't come off......Wells fargo even verified theirs. My total is less than $1500......should I Just pay? I want a house so bad. This has taken forever. I need more points. I'm not even in the 500's..... I can't even get a store card. They say I don't have a history of paying. I've never taken out a loan or bought a car. I really have now is a capital one card with a $300 limit that I've been in good standing with for about 4 months........Any suggestions???
Hi phx.... IF you can, pay the $1500 off to the creditors - ONLY for a "PAID AS AGREED" designation - or drop it off your report altogether. When you contact the creditors, ASK them for help - because you screwed up in the past - and now you want to make it right. You could also get a secured card - www.aboc.com offers a great card. best - dogman
What do you have with Wells Fargo? A charge-off? I have one Charge-off with them (my only serious derog left) that I'm currently trying to negotiate. I sent them two letters already, offering to pay, etc. Haven't heard anything. Its pretty weird, I'm pursueing the CA in order to pay them and they won't contact me!
I have two derogs ( two credit cards i got with first interstate bank....wells fargo bought them out 3 years after) I was 18......so this as about 7 years ago ( scheduled to fall off 10/2003) I disputed...round one they didnt even reply to me.....round two letters....they sent me a copy of the first interstate brochure i filled out to apply for the cards.....i was shocked. i had no idea they'd still have that.
A Copy of the original First Interstate application? AMAZING--- I remember that bank - they had branches all over CAL - and some other states. I remember when their LA Headquarters building had a fire about 40 floors up..... aarfff - dogman
yes, they sent me a copy of my original application...i was totally blown away, lol! I would have bet they wouldn't have ever kept that. any ideas?