I meant disputing please respond

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by willracin, Aug 27, 2002.

  1. willracin

    willracin Well-Known Member

    i have done all the normal thing people like me do (i think)bad credit from about 3-4 years back all on unsecured debt(excluding two 30 day late mortgages during a layoff in 99. I disputed all the bad things cut the number of derogs in half on TU score went down redisputed what was left they sent me a letter saying they thought 4 of 9 were friviouls. a similar story with EQ only they just gave me the "previously verified" on about half still waiting on word from EXP. Do you guys just keep sending dispute letters to the CRAs or do you try good will for a while. I am a newbie to this site but i really need a new mortgage but cant get it with scores in the 500s.

    TU 574
    EQ 584
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    you need to be more specific about what type of accounts you are disputing... are they chargeoffs, collection accounts or just late pays.

    are they paid or unpaid? are they reporting incorrectly or not? ... all of these things determine the strategy to use.

    How did you dispute with Cra's? Did you use the same reason for second round of disputes? Did you include any new information? Did you request the procedures used to verify the accounts that they did not delete?
  3. willracin

    willracin Well-Known Member

    the accounts are 4 charge offs and 4 CAs to match all paid and one that is CC with OC that i have not paid but i havent heard from them SOL MAY 03 so not sure what to do about it?

    oh and two 30 day lates on mortgage 6/99 &7/99
  4. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member


    Please read the questions carefully in uniondiva's response to you and answer them completely.

    This important information is necessary if anyone is going to be able to assist you.

  5. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    if you still have the mortgage and have not been late since '99, I would write for a goodwill adjustment.
    you can search the board for a sample letter.

    Are you saying that the chargoff's are all ca that have been paid... did you pay the original creditor or collection agency... how long ago did you pay... if you can list the accounts and collection agencies we can help! (example Sears charge off 3/99 , risk management associates 4/01)

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