Chase credit card ??s

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by christi523, Aug 27, 2002.

  1. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    For those of you who have Chase credit cards, What scores are needed and who did they pull for you? Thanks
  2. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    I got one 7/02. They pulled TU and from what I've read they exclusively pull TU. I had an old (5yrs) charge-off unpaid and I got $3k. I don't know my real TU score was, but the last time I checked their bogus score said 616. I'm quite sure it was higher than that. I also had 3 old (over 2 yrs.) 30 days lates on there. I applied for the Visa and then changed it to the MasterCard because I already have 3 Visa cards.

    Someone posted a # for their special dept. I now have 7.99% fixed apr.
  3. B-Down

    B-Down Well-Known Member

    I just got Chase with a TU FAKO score of 642. They pulled TU of course. I got a measly $2000 limit though. I'm not to happy about that. :(
  4. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    Did you guys apply online?? If so, did you have to wait for approval by mail or get immediate approval. Thanks!
  5. Platinum

    Platinum Well-Known Member

    When I applied for their Platinum in 12/2001 they pulled TU. I don't know what my score was. My initial CL was $5000 @ 12.24% APR. In 06/2002 I asked for CL increase and APR decrease. I got new CL $10.000 @ 4.75% APR ( Prime rate card ) with $45 annual fee. They also offered me 7.99% fixed without fee but I choosed Prime rate and fee. Highly recommended product and company.
  6. Platinum

    Platinum Well-Known Member


    I posted that number and here we go again:

  7. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    Well, I went ahead and applied online yesterday. How long does it usually take to hear from them? I wonder if you can call and check the status. My transunion score is 683 (608 a few weeks ago). I don't understand how I got such a big jump in score. I do have a few disputes with them.
  8. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    I applied 8/9 and called to check the status two nights ago. It was still pending but the rep said she would get one of their analysts to come "decision it for you right now."

    He did. We had just done a BT of $11900 on our joint Chase account about a week ago. (12K CL)

    He said he couldn't approve much of a line for the new individual card because so much of our available credit was being used on the existing card.

    He offered 2K. I said it really wasn't worth doing for that kind of line. He agreed to 5K, which was not great but OK. At least that's enough to work with.

    If we can just get our last little aggravations with TU squared away, we should finally be able to get somewhere with Chase when we need to.

    We're also going to use the creditwork system of carrying a balance for 3-6 months, making big payments and then letting it sit idle for a couple of months. That's an approach we haven't tried before but it sure seems to be working for him.

    BTW, my TU score was 662 when they pulled it, very low utilization reporting, 3 hards and two 8+ year old tax liens, no other derogs or lates.

  9. allen074

    allen074 Well-Known Member

    ok.. do you think with the following scores I have any chance of getting accepted?

    36% credit available
    total balances 15000 credit cards

    645 experian
    732 fake tu
    660 tu fico
    697 eloan
    617 equifax

    I really wanna do some BT's to get my interest rates reduced.

    I have 0 inquiries in the last 6 mos and dont really wanna run my credit if I am going to be declined.

  10. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member


    Wow that is a long time to wait for approval. Do you know how long before they pulled your TU report? I checked Transunion and Experian and no inquiry yet.
  11. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    They pulled the TU report the morning after I applied online.

    Allen -

    It's hard to say. Your utilization is high, but your TU score is high enough to be approved with, particularly if you have no derogs and your TU score is where it is just because of utilization. (if they decline you, you can always ask for reconsideration and explain that you wanted the CL for balance transfers. It might work.)

  12. allen074

    allen074 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Dem.. so in your professional opinion, should I risk the credit inquiry to give it a try?

    I do have 2 lates from 1997 on my report.

  13. allen074

    allen074 Well-Known Member


    with my scores and my high credit utilization, would I be approved?

    I really wanna move some stuff from my damn 24.99% card

    thanks :)
  14. nugentk2

    nugentk2 Well-Known Member

    Have had my card for a year now. They offered me I had scores in the 649 range and a lot of negs. I was at 17% and recently I called and they put me on a 7.99 fixed rate.
  15. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member


    Personally, I would try it. But that's me. You're going to be the one stuck with the inq if it turns out to be a decline. I just think you have a good shot at reconsideration if they do say no.

    But remember, you have to make the decision that's right for you. No one here can offer you any guarantee as to how anything will work out with your credit journey. We can just provide you with the best info we can based on our own experiences.

    Be sure to let us know what you decide and how it works out.

  16. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Geez...Chase only offered me a secured card when I applied despite no derogs on my Too bad...I don't anticipate opening any new accounts for a while so they will have to do without the priviledge of having me as a customer :)

  17. allen074

    allen074 Well-Known Member

    whyspers... what was your score when you applied?

  18. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I don't recall exactly but I believe TU was somewhere around 652. As I recall, I applied for Generations and Chase around the same time and Generations required a 650 or better score. Unfortunately, that was how I discovered that the score TU gives us isn't the score creditors see and Generations came back saying my score was 598???? I'm still bewildered on how that could be as I had no derrogs, at the time about 15 postive tradelines with the oldest being from 1995. I had, I believe two inquiries. I believe what is hurting me the most is the high credit utilization (around 50%), along with a lot of new accounts opened in the past six months. This seems to hurt more on TU than the other two...a LOT more.

    L (who intends to now focus her attention on whether or not the report TU discloses to the consumer is the same report they disclose to potential creditors. Something definately seems fishy on the TU homefront.)
  19. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    Well, I called and got an answer with Chase. I was denied due to bankruptcy. My Transunion score was 683 and I have under 10% utilization on my credit cards. I should have asked if they were BK friendly. There was another thread I think by NanaC which had a list of BK friendly and Non-BK friendly cc companies and Chase was not on either list. I guess I should have asked before I applied. I wonder if they will reconsider with an explanation of my bankruptcy? Anyone think they will?
  20. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member


    Any input whether or not I should bother trying to get them to reconsider my application??

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