ok as i said i am a newbie so i am learning what i need to provide to get help on this GREAT SITE. first i do still have the mortgage had it since 02/95 on time everytime excluding two lates (6/99-7/99) (if the first goodwill letter does not work is it OK to send another or should i try something differnt next i have disputed it and its been verified 3 times over last year no 2 i have CA with cbcs phone bill which i recently paid to OC. it is not showing paid so i dont know what to do (i diputed this item with CRAs and its been verified.If i send them copies of the checks thats bad right? no3 sears payment after charge off showing 0 balance (i actually have 4 more $100 payment to make to a CA who so far is not reporting should i try to nego a removal by sears before i finish paying it off no 4 collect america 0 bal verified by CRA but i dont know what it is. I sent them a letter with a green card and ask for some info or proof but thats been a month ago now. no5 CA medical bill $258 paid collection no 6 / 7 First USA bank (not OC)payment after charge off the second entry from them is payment after charge off maximum delinquincy 90 plus days occurred in 04/2000 it also reads Balance 0, most owed 0
I am not Uniondiva but I am A DIVA My first advice to you is to READ READ READ! You are asking WAY to many questions in one post and it would take all night to answer them all separately. I will go for number 1. Yes, send another goodwill adjustment letter. Hopefully it will go to someone else. I hate to answer a question with a question but...Were you really late? How many days? Was it short of the days they have listed on your report?
never pay a collection account without negotiating deletion... a paid collection does not help you score! try good will for mortgage... I would dispute the medical bill on the cra reports... if you still go to this dr., please advise.. goodwill may work (post before trying this) DID YOU SEND VALIDATION LETTERS CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED???? THIS IS IMPORTANT!
I'll take a stab at this for you: #1 Try Goodwill again. This time witha heartwrenching sob story and stress the fact that overall you've always paid on time before this (heartwrenching) event happened. #2 Yes sending them copies of the checks is bad. Write the CRA's and demand a procedure request to determine how they were able to verify. I bet they didn't and you can use this for leverage to get your deletion. #3 Why are you paying a CA if the account shows a $0 balance with Sears? You can go one of two ways on this. You can request validation from the CA on this account even though you have already started payment. That does two things. It blocks the CA from putting this account on your credit report until they validate. It also lets you know if they own this account or are just collecting on behalf of sears. If they own the account they may or may not be able to affect the tradeline. If they do not own the account and Sears does then you can negotiate with Sears for a deletion. Be forewarned this may piss them off, but they won't be able to touch you until they complete the validation. The other way you can go with this is to request a UDF for this account before you make the last two payments. Negotiate that they will send the UDF to the CRA's upon receipt of your final payment. You may want to try this option first. #4 Did you specifically ask for validation? Are they reporting the account on your credit report as "in dispute" if not you have them on a violation and can use this for leverage for your deletion. Send the estoppel letter to them ASAP. #5 Send the Nutcase (worth a shot) #6/7 Dispute with the CRA's
How did they report you late? 30 or 60 days? If ALL else fails and it "60" is how they are reporting it, isn't that incorrect info?
i sent validation letters to first usa with green card which they recieved 33 days ago i have also filed a complaint with the attgen office in that state . what can i do now anything?
hey will, i just got off work.. had to be there at 4:00 am... let me get back to you after lunch (nap time)