Hubby and I went to Florida so he could go for a federal job interview, seeing as he signed many non-disclosure forms, let's just say he didn't get the job. The DAY we got there my laptop Sh!t the bed. I have been back and forth with Gateway for the past week about this and there seems to be no resolution in site. I am writing from a friends house and I just wanted to let everyone know, if you care. Fla-Tan, I apologize for not getting in touch with you in regards to the house hunting, I had your phone numbers stored on the computer. I did find the home of my dreams Monday while hubby was on the interview and well maybe next time..... The saga continues
Thank God! When I saw the topic I thought you may have been arrested and thrown in the brink for trading in a title to a car you didn't own! Anna
Of course we care!! We will miss you, and hold Gateway's ffet to the fire. Tell them you'll get a new Vaio and plaster the Gateway name and bad faith all over the internet.
Kellie, We will keep a light in the window for you. I agree with Breeze, tell Gateway we got a lot of BIG mouths here and we will trash their laptops up and down the web if they don't help you. Meanwhile, catch your CreditNet fix at Kinkos or something until you are back on 24x7 ) Seizure Soon, -Peace, Dave PS sorry you lost your dream a bus, another one will be coming along every few minutes.
Re: gonna be gone for a long while. I have an old thinkpad with a 33.6 modem in it you can use, if you can stand it.
Re: gonna be gone for a long while. I care, KHM, missing you already! Making a note on the to-do list: Gateway sucks, tell everyone ;-) Sassy
1*Right KHM She's paying for 1 car she's only got one car-so where's the problem? Or should she be paying for all three cars or maybe she should be expected to give up the 1 car she has and still pay for one car. 2*Agreed: It's a 1 for 1 deal.One payment for one car.How much simpler could it be? 3*Yeah: but it's all her fault because she didn't work for nothing doing everybodys job for them!Yeah Rite!
Both PAWS crossed KHM aarrfff you will both do fine (now rolling on back waiting for belly rub) arfingly yours - dogman