Next steps advice por favor..

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by vanili, Aug 27, 2002.

  1. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    Ohnostuck...AGAIN..he's not trying NOT to pay and he's NOT trying to get off not paying in full. He has always paid all of his debts even if it hasn't been on time. You don't know his situation and what happened to him a few years ago and so I don't feel you have a right to judge him. I'm not trying to get the creditor to delete the lates. Thelates can stay. We simply want the chargeoff removed and changed to paid as agreed. This is not a situation where someone owes money and is trying to use others' violations of the law to get out from paying.

    And my comment about those lates not being a lot...take it in context. All of his ccs were charged off 4 years ago. Those payments were technically late for over a year! What I'm saying is that in 5 years considering a couple of 90 days late and 60 days late was NOT a context. He has never not paid rent and has never missed work. Frankly,, if I had the choice of paying my rent late or paying my car late if I had one, I'd pay the car late. And if I had a choice b/w having food on the table or paying the car LATE (as opposed to not at all) I'd choose to eat.

    Luckily I have never been in that situation b/c I have always had money in savings as an emergency fund. But I also feel that it is wrong to judge people for the hardships they faced in the past. I bet that if a woman came on here and explained that she went through hardships economically after a divorce or something for example, and could barely afford a place to live, you wouldn't be so judgmental. But b/c my friend is a guy, it seems that you much more so.
  2. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue


    I am a woman and I certainly do not think that we are inferior Again I certainly would not feel any different if this was a woman. As a matter of fact I didn't even mentally establish that this was a man you were talking about.

    Your "friend" obviously could not handle his bills 4 years before this event, and it seems that he should have done something to better the situation.

    Let me assure you I have been through my share of life trials. I am not judging your friend. This is something that you assumed on your own.

    I stated my OPINION on the situation that that is what was given to us. I am sorry if it was not one that you were asking for.

    Maybe you should go back and read my post again.
  3. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    Let's get to the real issue here. It's not the car. it's your crappy responses to people who are taking time out of their day to help you or your friend or whatever. I have read at least three different threads with you being a complete . . . . and YOU'RE the one asking for advice. Even the the most ego-ed out know-it-all realizes he has to pretend to be nice, when he wants something. In your case, it is advice. AT LEAST realize, you are doing YOUR friend a disservice when you are so quick to piss somebody off that you miss getting good responses because they have put you on their "ignore" button.
    YOU WILL ALMOST ALWAYS catch more flies with honey, not vinegar.

    P.s. Who CARES if they read your post wrong!!! LOSE THE SARCASM!!!

  4. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    Ohnostuck..I read your post carefully enough the first time and I stick by my original reply that it was judgmental. For example, you state that you paid in full for deletions. I would therefore assume that you had bills on there that were so late that they were either charged off and/or sent to CAs.

    All I'm saying is that this guy had never even seen his CRs before. Had no idea how to get them...didn't understand what they were all about. He paid all of his debts off last year not b/c he got copies of his reports or was trying to get a mortgage anything..but b/c he finally got his life together and had the money to pay them. Unfortunately for him, he did not have the education and knowledge to know that he could have negotiated deletions for those payments.

    And for the LAST time, my only question was WHETHER I SHOULD SEND THAT LETTER ON HIS BEHALF! Thanks to those of you who DID answer :) Telling me to tell him to pay is not an answer b/c that was not at issue nor a question. always, it comes down to reading comprehension :)
  5. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    Plenty of people have pissed me off with their rude responses and I didn't get sarcastic with them until they got pissy with me. I have thanked all of those who actually read correctly and gave me advice. Only ones who are pissed are the ones who didn't read so it DOES matter if they read correctly. And I know that I'm tnot the only who has gotten rude responses in response to a sincere question. I have answered many questions on here when all the poster got was an answer that didn't answer their question.

    As for the sarcasm, difference b/w being honest and blunt and being sarcastic. As I said, why should i kiss ass to someone who acts totally unhelpful. To those who ARE helpful I have indicated so and engaged in thoughtful dialogue with them. Anyway...
  6. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    Yep, you caught me. I did have collections. These were from bills that I had never gotten that I was not aware that I owed. Mostly hospital lab fees that I was not aware were not paid by my insurance company.

    Yep, right again. Wow you are good!!! 2 points in one post!!!! Although even after I suggested you read my post again you didn't comprehend my post.

    I love this board and many people here, but sometimes people just don't get it.
  7. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    vanili - the only problem with the oral thing is the REP may just outright deny it later - He/She will simply say YOU misunderstood -

    in writing -

    I learned that the hard way over dealings with Umbrella.

    On my demand - I noted and documented all conversations.

    By the way - NOW you're NOT new anymore LOL!

    arrff - dogman
  8. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    lol :) Well that is why I thought of writing a letter to them and mailing out now instead of later (after payment as she said). That way, I have my notes and my fresh memory of the conversation. Makes it harder to say that I misunderstood if I write the letter. So I guess you are saying I should write a letter :)
  9. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    This is your same friend that up and moved and "kinda-sorta" just forgot to pay, yes?

    Enough said.

  10. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    Okay, Don't write them a letter! Talk to someone on the phone and get them to FAX you a letter and then ask them to mail it as well. If that fails, THEN write the letter for changing it to paid status.
  11. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue


  12. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    Well if you must continue...(no wonder you were in your situation since you seem rather juvenile)...the payment history isn't the same on his two reports. Duh!! Anyway....

    :::some people need to learn to move on:::
  13. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    In my situation? What would that be? I know what that thread was about, I just read it. One was charged off one was with the lates. So? Juvenile? I am not the one that gets angry when I ask for advice and do not like the advice given. I am getting sleepy so you have a good night. LOL
  14. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue


    For the final time I hope...I DID get a few answers to my question. YOU however never answered my question so it wasn't a matter of not liking the "advice" you gave. If you claim I am the one reading incorrectly, kindly point out to me where you gave advice. Go ahead and quote it if you wish.

  15. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    Here you go.
  16. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    Well since I know others CAN read I won't go into explicit detail about how your post did not give advice to the question asked.

    Most of the people on here are adults AND can read and many have already answered the question originally asked by me......

  17. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    My advice was this..I am sorry that you can not read.

    Tell your friend that he needs to learn how to deal with credit. He has a problem and you can not help him (obviously) forever. You have spoken several times about this "friend". Several charge offs, this car etc. You said he had a hard time recently, then we read that he had charge offs from a few years ago, then some payments that he kinda sorta forgot to pay. Get your stories straight.

    Night night
  18. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    Umm..I thought you were going to bed an hour ago. <SIGH> I didn't ask for advice on what to tell my friend hon. I asked about the letter I am sending. Others who posted seemed to undertand. As for getting my "stories" straight, they ARE straight darling! In case you didn't know, companies sometimes lay off employees which happened to him. As for the charge offs from a few years ago, it's none of your business exactly what happened to but he did go through a lot of personal issues and the specifics are not the kind of thing I would ever post on a public forum. So get YOUR story straight. I mean..really! Geez.

    But seriously..get some sleep b/c you seem to need it..or something else.......
  19. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    Oh..and stuck. Just noticed that you put friend in quotes. Umm..would you like to see a copy of my 3 credit reports!?!

    Don't be
  20. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    All the eliments of Accord and Satisfaction are present.

    • An agreement between both parties before the fact
    • A willingness on your friends part to follow through based upon that agreement
    • Your rightful presumption that the other party will indeed follow through on their part of the agreement

    When you make the final payment I would include a restrictive endorsement agreement outlining EXACTLY what they agreed to do and "the cashing of this check signifies your willingness to properly follow through on what we agreed to in our conversation of xx/xx/xxxx."

    Be sure to check the A&S provisions for your state.


    Another way is to codify everything in writing and send it to them for their signature PRIOR to making the last payment. Don't worry about pissing them off. We live a contractural world and any reasonble business person will understand your desire to get it in writing.

    Indeed, if they bulk at that then they had no intention of following through in the first place..

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