Which credit cards do you know of that allow multiple accounts? (Particularly if they allow them within a short period of time.) Citi allows new applications after 60 days. We have 3 accounts with them so far. (Combined down from 6.) AMEX seems to be pretty generous in this regard too. We have 5 accounts with them in one name and one in the other. The Blue is the newest card but it didn't have a very high line. Any idea how long we have to wait before being able to be approved for Delta Sky Miles or Optima Platinum after being approved for Blue? Any other input on this topic will be greatly appreciated. (By the way, for those who don't know what we're up to and think this sounds a bit insane, we're using our cards to fund our business. It's working well so far.) DemPooches
First Usa- allowed 3 new accounts in less than 2 months (bank 1, titanium and plat) From what i understand FUSA will offer you credit cards till you are blue in the face as long as you qualify. Household bank-allowed 3 new accounts in less than a month.(gm, household plat and first union) My friend got 2 amexs in one month. Citibank has done 2 applications in 60 days for me. but i think it may be different if you apply for a wamu, att or any other co-branded card. first premier will give you as many account as you want.. though i wouldnt suggest them LOL.. If i think of anymore i will post.. kev
MBNA allowed multiple, but I wouldn't recommend them. I assume you know all about Cap1's no hassle platinum cards. Best by far for funding a business, IMHO. Just got my 2d one today...first was 20.5K 2 months ago, this one was 20K. The key was balance transfers both times, plus being lucky enough to get pre-approval offers. Keep us posted on your experiences funding your business.
Maybe Chase? I applied for a second Chase card last year and got turned down for straight credit reasons, not because I already had an account.
My First Union is issued by MBNA. I think FU has switched to them completely. BofA allows multiple cards. [Household bank-allowed 3 new accounts in less than a month.(gm, household plat and first union) kev [/B][/QUOTE]