Hi, Last week I applied online for the target visa - I got the "we will get back to you in 10 days" response. Well of course I got denied even though I had a 643 fico. Apparently target doesn't just pull your score, they really do READ the credit report. I know this because they gave me specific reasons WHY I was denied - collection account, late pay, etc. -Sal
Hi Sam, I've been following some of your threads, and it seems like you are somewhat of a guru disputing and applying simultaniously on equifax. Actually I did dispute everything on equifax (masked the baddies) all except one which was a collection (online wouln't let me dipute this one for some reason) Anyway, it still all raised my fico to 643 - is it possible 643 is still too low to get approved instantly???? Is there something else I should be doing? Is there another credit card company I should be trying this as well (I'm in california) Thanks, Sal
Sal, It seems the cutoff is 680. I wouldn't apply for anything until I was solidly into the upper 680's. Once you do and get denied your score drops, albeit slightly. But that defeats your purpose. Lets not shoot ourselves in the foot, ok? hth
Hubby had a 661 when we applied and was approved. I had almost the exact same report as his and I got denied with a 659. Target IS one of the easiest store cards to get. I applied for the Visa though. I think that they pick one out of 4 LOL
I disputed on Equifax and had no score change. Disputed 4 items on my friend's report and his score went down 10 points.
I suspect the magic fico score might be somewhere around 650 for target to AUTOMATICALLY approve. I think what is happening is that if your below 650 they do a manual credit review (and then your screwed) - just a guess on my part (please don't try this at home kids) -Sal
Yes, they are score driven. Companies can get 5 numbers from the bureau - score + 4 "factor codes" ... the factor codes are the numbers representing the top 4 reasons why your score isn't higher. I.E. "public record, BK, or lein", "excessive utilization" "too many recent inquiries" and "too many new bankcard accounts" They can also do custom scoring work with the bureaus.