Next steps advice por favor..

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by vanili, Aug 27, 2002.

  1. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    all is well - just tell us what you did....
    but logically, ohnostuck has a point.

    vanili - don't co-sign for your friend - LOGICALLY, there may have been issues - and you are helping him get back on track - but I wouldn't recommend
    lending him your credit.

    help all you want - it is great, but be smart - don't get used. Learn stuff here to get everything to 800,
    but protect yourself in the process.

    later dogman
  2. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

    Cool...thanks Butch! My only concern is that they want the final payment wired but I have a way around that and am going to try to tell him to send it fedex instead.

    I will check the laws in my state...have to dust off the law books!
  3. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    Dude..huh?? Tell what I did? Must be past your bedtime And who said anything about cosigning for my friend?? He's not applying for any credit anytime soon and if he did, I sure as hell wouldnt cosign for him. I ain't stupid! lol. heck..that's what his parents are for! He's never had a cosigner on anything anyway.

    But anyways....Your post has me confused???
  4. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Butch - what do you mean by "codify in writing..?"
    I'll have to snap up a net def...

    arff - dogman
  5. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    It just sounds, factually, that this person hasn't been terribly responsible - and may attempt to take advantage of another for gain.

    AGAIN, just words for an email post - I do not know or want to know.

    Just build your own stuff and you'll be kewl...
  6. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    Umm ok..whatever! lol. He is not the type to take advantage of another. Heck..he wouldn't even let me buy him dinner when he was unemployed and I was making six figures! Your previous post still doesn't make sense...hangin out with ohnostuck? :)
  7. coralreef

    coralreef Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    Could someone please check my Pulse? I am feeling a little bit lightheaded.

  8. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    ;-) THANK YOU, coral!!!

  9. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Well hell ... I meant memorialize not codify.


    Reducing something to written form to avoid confusion and make everybody stick to the terms and conditions.

    But you knew that.

  10. JohnM

    JohnM Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    "Itâ??s like déjà vu all over again"

    "You can observe a lot just by watchin'"

    Y. Berra
  11. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    OK. Because you still fail to comprehend the problem here, I will lay it all out for you. In your first post to asked exacly this..

    I answered your "Next step advice please" thread with this..

    This is the last time I am going to try to explain to you what you are failing to see. REGARDLESS of what happened to your friend the last few months this ISN'T the first time he has not paid his bills. My point through all this. Tell your "friend" that regardless of what happens with this car you are not the SuperWoman that you are trying to be. You can't waive a wand and make his payment histories perfect. Why hasn't HE tried to fix this problem himself? Oh that is right...he was out of town.

    I am not going to keep posting in this thread and try to beat in your head what I posted. My advice to you is clear. The next step for your friend is to grow up. Tell him this is his responsibility and it is HIS job to deal with this not yours. If he paid his bills he would not be in this situation. Sometimes when we ask for advice we do not hear what we wished we did.

    Get over it.
  12. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

  13. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    Listen OHNOSTUCK I did not ask you for the UMPTEENTH time what life advice to give my friend. I asked some very specific questions. I'm not going to reiterate what the question was since you are the only one that does not comprehend.

    And is none of your business..but my friend is not asking me to do anything except write a few letter since he does not have computer access. I am the one working on getting deletions and updated paid statuses on his accounts. He would be happy with all paid charge offs on his account b/c he doesn't know any better.

    Lastly, please stop posting the same nonsense over and over again. Give it a rest! I don't see me pointing out that your statement that all your bad credit was due to medical bills was incorrect and contradicts what you have posted in the past...

    Bottom line is you don't see me giving you personal advice that is unasked for so why do you feel the need to do so? Anyway, I am far too intelligent and educated to continue wasting my time with a dumb blonde.
  14. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue


    Are you and pulse husband and wife? BTW I never said that ALL my negative info on my report was medical. I said most.

    BTW- Blonds have more fun ;0)
  15. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    What are you smoking?? Who on earth is pulse...and I am a woman not a man.

    And you might want to think before you write ..that way you won't have to edit so much. Anyway...continue talkin to yourself.
  16. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    I didn't think that you were a man. There you go with your assumptions again. LOL Get a life honey, I could care less about you or your "friend".
  17. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    Well you sure act like you care a whole lot!! Don't know why you keep putting friend in quotes. Here's my challenge to you...if you really don't care...then stop reading my posts!
  18. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    Sure thing sweetie. LMAO Just don't ask for anymore advice if you don't really want any.
  19. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    Read above <sigh>. Been asked and answered already!
  20. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Re: Auto Loan issue

    ohnostuck + vanilli - can you BOTH GO WITH ME to Umbrella - extra HEAT is always nice.

    aarrooo - dogman

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