Re: Auto Loan issue You know what I have noticed here on Creditnet? Forty posts or more in a particular thread..someone is giving someone else a serious brow beating. We need a CreditNet wrestling ring or something. How about Smackdown? Just an observation. Dani
Re: Auto Loan issue LOL Dogman. I am usually an easy person to get along with. I do not get into arguments in every post like others here. Cough... I just can't figure out what this chick doesn't get....I will go with you anywhere though babe! I do require my services to be paid in advance. Please note if they are not paid within 30 days prior to services rendered I will turn you into NCO!!!!
Re: Auto Loan issue Honey I wasn't looking for anything intellectual to come out of your posts. I am sorry if I call 'em like I see 'em you look act and smell like a Pulse.
Re: Auto Loan issue Paid 30 days in advance - er ah - OK - will you take my Umbrella Bank ATM?...Oh wait, don't have one of those..... arfff - dogman
Re: Auto Loan issue What a bummer aye? Is this the same bank that everyone was talking about a few weeks ago? Did she call back with the check number yet?
Re: Auto Loan issue Okay, gals agree to disagree. I respect and like you both so end it....plllleeeeaaaassseee. Plus we have CA crimefighting to focus on. Dani
Re: Auto Loan issue ohnostuck, Flicking my bic and swaying with you! I think chick should be in quotes too. ;-) "Friend" that "kinda-sorta" moved and forgot to pay and defensive "chick" playing credit marytr. Sassy "blond chick" not to be confused with "defensive chick" or "marytr chick"
Re: Auto Loan issue So addition to copies of MY credit reports would you like pictures as well???? <rolls eyes>
BLONDE ISSUE....... I went for my quarterly DR visit and understand, my DR is - er - presbyterian - like myself hehe. I was in the inner room when he walked in - PLATINUM BLONDE - er - used to be salt and peeper. He is my age and we've been friends for years - he just sat there and waited.... "You look great - oh - blonde - is that the difference....LOL" He looked at Dogman and said I should die my locks blonde too - I would look 20 years younger....." Good DR - not too great on sarcasm... aarrff - dogman