Can a collection agency fax something to my employer and verify my employment? Also after I send them a ceist and desist can they continue to call my on my job? I am dealing with a really nasty company and they are making big threats to me today. Any help would be appreciated. Anna
they cannot continue to call you at work if you tell them not to contact you at work. once you send a cease and desist letter they can only contact you one final time to notify you of action. they cannot fax something to your employer to verify your employment... however they can check cr to see employer listed. hope this helps if they are violating the fdcpa or fcra, nail them.
They faxed a employment verification letter to my employer. I seen it on the fax machine and made a copy of it....They really embarrased me. What can or should I do? Thanks, Anna
I'm not sure what prevents them from faxing you at work, lord knows they'll call, it's just another medium. I'd be tempted to shred the fax, if they get you riled up, they win. Then again, I'm pretty hardened to CA's; they used to call work all the time. I go by my middle name, so I knew when it was a CA or salesperson, same difference; I would always transfer them to my "direct line," which meant I dialed time & temp, or Dominoes, and x-ferred them.