I'm working on disputing an account that ChexSystems(CS) says I owe on, which I sincerely believe is in mistake. The bank has since been bought out, so I have nobody to deal with there, so I'm trying the disputing route. I disputed with CS, and it came back as verified. In the letter that said the information was verified, it also said the bank that bought out my old bank was the furnisher of the information. I sent out a procedural request, just so I can follow through and make sure they are the only furnisher of the information. My next question is, is the new bank bound by the same validation rules that CAs are? I plan on sending a validation letter to them next. Do they have to comply with the validation? Don't I have the right to see these bad checks that I supposedly wrote? Don't I have the right to make sure it's my signature on the check? I'm not trying to avoid anything I owe. In fact, I've paid on about 3 collections in the process to clean up my credit, but luckily good will letters work. Anybody have any thougts as to whether or not I'm going about this correctly? Thanks
The answer to this is no. OC's are not bound by the FDCPA...but they are bound by the FCRA and while they are not required to validate...they are required to furnish only correct information. They don't have to validate, but sometimes a version of a validation letter works wonders. Often, though...it will be ignored. Just be sure not to refer to the FDCPA as it does not apply. Hope this helps! L