Just curious what you all had bookmarked on your computer .. I have bbb.org planetfeedback.com a few random creit repair forums (although this one is the best and easiest) eloan.com bankrate.com
Oh geez...lol...I have a lot of stuff! Credit Watch Credit Expert Credit Net (numerous links to various postings) Pro Se Litigant creditcourt.com bayhouse.com US District Court for the Western District of NY Lexis Monroe Co. Clerk's Office Fox News CNN *uckedcompany.com mycoupons.com (awesome site) ebay.com and a few miscellaneous sites like organizedhome.com that I keep meaning to get back to. L
I love reading dave barry for free on the internet this link isn't quite right, but you can get to his column from it http://www.herald.com/tropic/barry/. His olympic reporting had me rolling.