Is it finished? I had two that hit 45 yesterday and they are still there today Was hoping this would hold on for another Is it still working for anyone else? L
There's no exact 45-day rule. All depends on how may erasable softs you have left that precede the hards. Saar
I have only four hard inquiries and all are over 45 days on EQ. The only bumpage I seem to get is Equifax entries and AR's. Are others still having hard inquiries deleted on EQ?
My oldest soft is still on my report, but the amount of inquiries always gets less and less, I haven't sat down to analyze my reports, but roughly every 60-90 days hubby and I get a bump.
My bumpage must be working different then everyone elses. Mine delete from the bottom of my report skipping only Equifax MTC (I think that is what it is) and AR's and PRM's the hards are going bye bye.
Then that's very strange because until these most recent inquiries...I had about 8 drop off within the 45 days. I try to pull twice a day, but at least once. I'm still hopeful, but am skeptical that its still going to work for me. Too good to be L
I saw a post earlier in the week that someone had talked to an EQ CSR, and they had said effective September 1 CW wouldn't be showing the CW softs. Anyone else hear something to that effect? Charlie
OMG...I spoke too soon! I just pulled for the second time today and one of the two 7/15 inquiries fell off! Woooohoooooooo!!!!! Now...if this can just hold on another couple of weeks. I will *not* apply for anything until all of my cards are paid off! L
As of today it still works for me. Not exactly 45 days, but what the hey =) No point boost going from 2 down to 1. Gib
LKH- Equifax owes you a debt of gratitude! I wonder how many people bought CW just to utilize your "trick"?? I know I spent $70 for and for hubby, and I never would have if it wasn't for your trick. Maybe you should send them a bill <g>
whyspers, good that yours got bumped. I have been trying and they just stay there. I have 3 hard and 2 of them are already more than 45 days old. I have number of inquiries around 120 now and they keep growing every time I pull. But the inquiries are still there. I has been at least 3 weeks since I first reached 100.