Here is the sample letter from this site for validation 30 days later.
Will, first of all, be patient. bullying the board by constant bumping when you have had at least some response is not good..... The answers you got earlier in this post are right on the money.... yes, try goodwill letter with mortage company.. if you list which mortage company it is... maybe folks here can tell you if it works. 2) did the cra's verify before or after you paid this. If it was after you probably have them and ca on some violations. Do a procedure request.... Do you have something in writing from ca saying it is paid in full? don't send this to cra but keep it if you need it for evidence later. 3) Don't pay another dime on the Sears account.. request validatioon and accounting ... try to settle with sears 4) Send estopple, request immediate deletion within 15 days and then follow up 5) Dispute with cra's try nutcase letter for paid ca 6/7 If these are duplicate accounts, dispute with cra as duplicates. you already file complaint with AG.
i want to say thank you to everyone who has given me advice and i certainly wasn't trying to bully the board just impatient so i will force mysylf to calm down! LOL I am not familiar with the "Nutcase letter" (except a couple from my EX-wife) LOL that i have been recomended but i have sent a letter to collect america telling them i dont think i owe them a dime and that i demanding they remove the entry but as of yet they have not respnded. are they on a time limit too? it has been 34 days what should i do if i dont recieve a response from them? thanks again i will do my best to wait patiently for an answer
i apologize for being possibly incompetent but i did read the letter but i thought this was for CRAs not the CR reporting the negative TL.
i want to stress i am not arguing with anyone. there are no facial expressions on the board but i am wearing a "Jack-o-lantern smile" from all the great advice i am getting here just trying to make sure i understand what i should do during each step.
Sorry. I saw that you sent a validation letter and were looking for a follow up. That letter is for the CRA's.
Try this... «Your Name» «Address1» «Address2» «City», «State» «Zip» «Company» «Address1» «Address2» «City», «State» «Zip» Account # _________ «Date» Dear Sir/Madame: I am writing this letter in regards to my dispute dated xx/xx/xxxx regarding the validity of the above referenced item pursuant to the FCRA. The FCRA requires you to verify the validity of the item within 30 days. If the validity cannot be verified, you are obligated by law to remove the item. Your time to validate this debt has expired as you received my certified mail letter dated xx/xx/xxxx signed for by xxxxxxxxxxx. If this item is not immediately removed from all 4 major credit bureaus, I shall elect to use the <insert jurisdiction in which you reside, e.g. Santa Clara County (CA) Superior Court> to bring appropriate action against you. While I prefer not to litigate, I will use the courts as needed to enforce my rights under the FCRA. I look forward to an uneventful resolution of this matter. Sincerely, «Signature» «Your Name»
WOW! you really know this stuff! but just so i dont make any forehead sklapping mistakes LOL should i also include a copy of my complaint to the AG in their state (MD) which i have already filed and a copy of the green card where they signed for it?
obtw, can i take them to court even if i did at one time owe this money to someone other than them? as i said they are not OC but they told me a year or so ago that if my acct had been current that i would have recieved a First USA card to replace the one I got from OC
I would just add a copy of the green card. I got most of that letter from the sample letters section of this board. I just changed a some words around. But hey thanks! Much better then the "dumb blond" I was called a few days ago! LOL
ohnostuck, i looked thru the sample letters dont see the "nutcase" so can you point me to one of those or just give me a little better discription PLEASE if you are familiar with it?
Yeah, it is one of Doc's letters I believe. The search function on CreditNet is not working right now. When it is up again try typing "nutcase letter".
if they violate they law they are accountable. it doesn't matter that you may have owed the money at one point... the whole purpose of validation is for them to give you proof that you owe, before you pay it back! Yes, you can take them to court... hopefully, it will not come to that!
Loved them so much I bookmarked them.
willracin, You would know your stuff also if you would read the Newbie FAQ. I beat Nave to it!!!! Charlie
ok guys i did my required reading last night and i did a couple of differnt searches i have several letter modified to my situation ready to go out Monday thanks so much to everyone! (espesially ohnostuck) but i still have one question and i am sure the answer is already on the board somewhere but i couldn't find it so for the record i looked first the medclr colletion is listed on my EQ as an open account 0 bal. when i paid it i never recieved a "paid in full" from them but i did get a statement showing $0 due this was aug 2000. my question is should i still go with the "nutcase or is there a different strategy for tradeline errors on settled collections?
i disputed 9(first usa) with CRAs results are EQ deleted EXP all it says on my invigation results is remains so i assume no change TU Frivolous while i had disputed with CRAs i had sent validation letter to first usa CRRR. dont they have to note it as disputed or let me have some proof or something to keep reporting it? i have and am continuing to read FCRA but i must be kinda slow or something so forgive me. i just need some help here on what i should do next