I tried Doc's trick about 10 days ago.... "Investigation currently in progress" on 5 hard inquiries and numerous soft inquires (except the credit expert/experian softs). Since then my score went down 14 points from 657 to 643 :-( Has anyone else experienced a score drop during the "investigation" phase?
Yes, Citi <finally> updated their tradeline for my MC. Last update 10/2001 -> balance 2,2K Updated 8/2002 -> balance 4,8K But they do not report a C/L (N/A) for this?
I used Doc's trick two weeks ago also: 2 hards dropped (2 yrs old) 2 hards verified 8 hards still in dispute No score change
That is why your score dropped. Mine did the same. My ratio on creditexpert is now 0%. Call Citi and ask for the department that reports to the CRA's. I can't think of what it is called at the moment. Experian claims it s not them, but it is. They will work on it.
I thought I read somewhere that FICO only considers inquiries from the last 12 months, even though they stay on the report for 24 months. The two that dropped off were from 22 months ago, and were deleted overnight after I disputed them. I will know more about this if some of the more recent (last 12 months) fall off. Experian will probably take all 30 days to verify...
My inquiry was only 4 months old. There should have been a change. At least a point with the mortgage late AND the inquiry. I just figure if they take 10 points for the negs they will give you back 1 if they are removed...
I just disputed 4 inquiries on my EXP report. The investigation wasn't over yet, and here I get a copy of my file in the mail....ALL DEROGs DELETED!!! Can you say I'm so happy?!?!?!
Just checked and I've had one of fourteen disputed inquiries verified. The others are still pending. I sure hope they ALL don't get verified!!!! L
2 citi inquiries deleted from may 02, providian verified (stupid to apply to them) 46 still pending(mostly mortgage inquiries). Results due 9/16/02. I gained 5 points with the 2 deletions.
Just checked again, today I had 21 inquiries deleted, all mortgage inquiries from the past 6 months. No change in score, weird, even if they are coded properly as mortgage inquiries, I should have had some change in score since they are counted as 1 inquiry in a 30 day period, meaning it would have counted as at least 6 inquiries. Anyway it is a good feeling being able to beat them at thier own game.
5 hards deleted last night, up 6 points. 2 still pending, one verified! Hubbys, 1 hard deleted, 1 pending, 1 verified!
Somebody was saying they think the score doesnt update until the investigation is completed. That might be true, because on the page with the score it says "inquiries in the past 6 months: 38". I just counted, with the deletions I have only 17 left pending. Well I guess I will find out on 9/15 when the results are due.
I don't think it's necessarily true that the report doesn't update while some are pending. I had mine removed overnight, my report was updated this morning. My score wasn't updated til this afternoon!