Submitted a dispute 2 weeks ago. Had one account that was showing as open but was closed by me way back in college and they deleted both of those and have already sent me a copy of my revised report!
Just one little point. Was the acct that was reporting as open a positive acct?. If so, deleting it was not what you wanted. I'd call the back and advise them that you didn't dispute the validity of the acct, just the fact that it is closed and you want it back on. An old positive acct can do nothing but help.
One was a duplicate account from first usa. Other was an account from like 8 years ago. My score went up about 5 pts or something. I don't think it hurts.
Vanili- It's been my experience that any of the CRA's will gladly delete any positive account, sometimes you'd even have to ask (see George). You don't want 8 year old accounts being deleted, it shortens your credit history...just some food for thought
I have loans and credit card that are older than 8 years old and I only had that card for like a day before cancelling and the other was a duplicate. Equifax still won't delete them though.