WHOO HOO! 616 to 703 in 4 hrs

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cma, Aug 30, 2002.

  1. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    So that I don't bore everyone with a long spiel....

    I recieved my EQ letter back from a dispute 5 weeks ago and they didn't respond to 4 of my 6 disputes. I called EQ this morning and after 3 hours on the phone got the right person who worked with me. I faxed a letter with details (I had them on 12+ FCRA violations) and she called me back 30 minutes later and DELETED EVERYTHING! I don't have a single bad item on my EQ report now. I went from 590 to 703 in less than 60 days thanks to this board.

    You guys are great!

    I'm gonna get a couple of CCs tonight!
  2. Niner849

    Niner849 Well-Known Member

    Congrats to you!!! Wow, how lucky for you. I've got a couple of things in dispute right now, hoping to get them deleted.

  3. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    Thanks Andi!
    If I have anything to offer it's this: be diligent and detailed. It worked for me, better than I expected. I suppose I could have sued for the money, but then who knows how it would have turned out. Up until I found this board, I was easily influenced and unaware of my rights. Thanks again everyone-especially you old-timers! I hope you are aware of how much your help does change people's lives!
  4. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

  5. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    Thx Qiuxote! You are certainly one of those I owe thanks to...

    I read your verbal nutcase letter. I actually followed your path without knowing it! I did use your nutcase, son of nutcase on other accounts, but on this one I used a combo verbal/fax nutcase. Well maybe it wasn't a real nutcase, but it was litigious(lol)

    Thanks again!

    SPACECAT Well-Known Member

    I'm very interested in your method. I'm even desparate to get mine corrected. please post or e-mail it to me if you don't want ca's to know. sjones15@houston.rr.com
  7. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Awesome!! Congrats. That less than 60 days may be a creditnet record for that kind of score increase. Very well done!!
  8. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    Well, unfortunately it really wasn't a method as much as it was keeping an eye on the CRAs and making them keep the law. This was just my experience with EQ. My EX score is still 661, and my TU score is 639. So I still have alot of work to do.

    Upon reflection, it was more like 5 hours and not 4. But it actually started with my disputes a month ago. If you are interested I could post my letter I faxed today, but it's pretty long.

    Why don't you email me, and I can send you the letter.
  9. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    Thanks LKH. You are another one I've learned from. Thanks for your help!

    Let's just see if I can keep it up (LOL)

    ...my fingers are getting itchy...(hmmm, what's that number to GM/Household again? I feel a sudden urge to visit Best Buy...)
  10. cfand3boyz

    cfand3boyz Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! That is wonderful!
  11. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Good job Mike, go 4 it.

  12. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Yo Dave,

    How about a testimonial section?

  13. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Rather impressive! Congrats.

    For clarification, you disputed the 6 in writing? And what were the 6?

  14. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    Thanks Hermit. I disputed them in writing about 5 weeks ago, and then watched the dispute status on Credit Watch (I had subscribed one week after submitting the dispute) and then had the whole call/fax thing a couple of days after getting my updated report.

    2 school loans that were 3 yr old paid collections
    2 paid medical collections
    1 Sallie Mae that wasn't mine
    1 bank loan with 2 30s and 1 60 late

    They only responded to the last two

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