To all Wells Fargo Mortgage Customers: How long after closing did it take for the mtg to show up at the CRA's? My closing was 7/19 and it;s still not showing on any of the big three. Thanks!
Just curious but have you started making pymts yet?? I was told that it takes about two months before payments start....We are closing this month so I was just wondering...
My mortgage is with GMAC and we closed on Aug. 9, 2001. Our first payment wasn't due until Oct. 1 and it showed up on Experian in Nov. 2001. Equifax and TU started reporting it in Dec. 2001.
They report via tape, so after you make your 9/1 it will probably be on October's tape. I know a mortgage banker at Ameriquest that said alot of times customers complain that one year after closing its still not on their CR's. Her understanding is that they aren't required to post the tradeline, but she didn't have a problem pushing it to be posted. I would stay on top of them after 60 days or so. Charlie