No harm, no foul. Besides, with your little discovery, You and a precious few others on the board, can pretty much make all the mistakes you want in my book.
Ok - well it's kind of personal, ya see.....haha just kidding. Ok go to this post: keep in mind that you don't necessarily have to receive the 45 D error for this to work.
Come on, people! This is EQ we're talking about. I never expected bumpage to go away in September even if they claimed so. If they said September, it may be off by... say around Christmas sometime.
Excuse me! quote: LKH --------------------- Ok - well it's kind of personal, ya see.....haha just kidding.
I'm only at 92 =( I was hoping to not have to buy CW, but I may just have to after all, just so I can get more. My trial expires in 10 days. Maybe I can resign up for another 30 days at some point!! It's my TU report that I have to worry about more!!
CU-CSU don't really care...MILLIONS CARE HERE...BUT NOT ME... Yesterday we sold "TONS" of CSU shirts... ------->DODGERS and ANGELS and ROCKIES...
If I understand this properly, wouldn't 'bumpage' be a bad thing if your file is split or if you get locked out??? I'm not quite understanding this... If someone would like to provide more insight for me in private (spying eyes) please do so at my email address or evildracopaladin on AIM... It's very troubling.
Your credit report MUST BE 100% ACCURATE...a "SPLIT" file is NOT 100% accurate!!! They MUST do what-ever it takes to put it bact together!!!
Well, I'm not that far off then, and all my bottom inquiries are hards, the bottom 6. Maybe a few will go away! Thanks!
2? Holy crap! Course, after the bottom few fall off from mine, the other 2 are at the very top, 80 or so away!