Vacating a judgement....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by author_22, Nov 23, 2001.

  1. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    How can one go about getting a judgement vacated in exchange for payment? Will Equifax cease reporting a vacated judgement?

    It's for $85 and both I, the collector, and the court are in my city. Now, I was never served, and this judgement is over an allegedly bounced check. My mom says pay a lawyer $500 to get it vacated. Chat says pay the $85 and dispute it. Should I even bother vacating it?
  2. godaddyo

    godaddyo Well-Known Member

    type in vacating a judgement in the search box. There has been tons of info by myself and others posted here. When I get time I will try to be specific..
  3. bbauer

    bbauer Banned


    If you will go down to the court house and pull a copy of all the papers in the file and either fax them to me or send them to me so I can get a good solid look at them, I'll try to point out what I find wrong with the judgment. No charge, no obligation, no sales pitch.

    I can tell you that about 98% of all judgments are null and void upon their faces and in most cases the people were never sued in the first place. Yet the judgment was granted. I'll even tell you how to file your case for free. All you have to do that is to file on the same case numbers that the original judgment was filed under and then you are not opening up a new case, just filing to amend an old one and there should be no filing fee. I have sample forms you can use to do the filing available for free download along with free instructions on how to go about it prepared by practicing attorneys. All for free.

    And even if I can't find reason to vacate, what have you lost?
  4. khass

    khass Well-Known Member

    I have a judgment from an apt complex about a yr ago. I just picked up copies of the judgment and wondered if u could tk a look. I think there are grounds to vacate but I'm nt exactly sure what errors to look for.
  5. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    i got judgements removed from my cr just by disputing it. in my county, you must file motion to vacate within 2 years of the judgement, so i could not vacate the judgment, even with the permission of the other party. check with your state laws on vacating judgments. it is not always the easy solution.
  6. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    o yeah, bill bauer doesn't post here anymore. find him at his creditwrench website. but if you post what you think are the reason you could vacate this judgment we will help on this board as well
  7. godaddyo

    godaddyo Well-Known Member

    I dont understand a law that tells someone that they cant vacate a judgement after two years...It can't be that black and white..For instance, what if you were never served properly..How could you even dispute the fact if you didnt know about it..Or perhaps the judgement creditor decides that you don't owe the debt, it was some other guy with the same name as yours and he accidently sued you...What happens then..There has to be a way to vacate judgemts past two years..Maybe the laws are stricter about reasons to do so, but there must be reasons to vacate after two years..

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