The debtors, are always the loudest and would like you to believe that they are the majority, when in fact, they are a distinct minority sub class of our population. ````````````````````````````````````````````````` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No wonder they treat us like stink BUDGET HOMES CO.
I did charlie, we bbq'd and the kids swam. It was very relaxing -- my preferred way to spend Mondays. What about you? Sassy
I wanted to study more than I got to.. CFP course. I went to a BBQ and over to some ole girls house. My other daughter is having problems with her apartment complex and my ex called me a couple of times. That sucked, because we don't speak. I guess I'm going to have to sue the apartments or really the CA. I now have 3 kids (2 daughters and their friend) that I'm having to take care of their situations with their apartments. I may be going into business doing this 3 in a short time. Good night! Charlie
Sassy, It's from lb's world. I wouldn't go there! Charlie charlieslex sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Charlie ;-), THANKS! Sassy ====================== No its not sassy! I just posted something a CA stated so I can't take the credit for it. Chunky had his mouth in gear before he got his mind in gear. BUDGET HOMES CO.