I am in desperate need of a small claims court form for NYC kings or manhattan county. I can't get to the court house between 9-4:30pm because of work and I tried going during their late hours that they have posted on the website but when I got there the guard said they were closed. Even a format of how their forms look would be fine. I need to at least get the paperwork filled out and then I can possible have my boyfriend take it down to the courthouse for me. Please help me out if you can because I need to get started on this ASAP. Thanks.
Robin, won't they mail them to you? I almost had to sue an old roommate while I lived in NY and after calling 5 different numbers, I remember finally reaching someone who told me that they would mail it to me. Took about 2 days to receive.
I am not sure if they will mail. Do you remember if there was a charge for this service? If so how much?
It was about 4 years ago so I don't really remember if there was a charge..sorry. I just remember calling someone at the court and explaining that there was no way I could go pick up the forms b/c I had classes all day M-Fri and she said well..we can mail them if you want.
No luck. Just called the small claims court for both kings and manhattan counties and only got a recording. No option to transfer to customer service. I guess I have to hope someone on the board can help me out with this. Thanks.
Yea..if I recall..you can't call the main number. I had to call 411 and get numbers for all the difft departments before I finally reached a person.
Hi, I am in Manhattan and could obtain the forms. Could you email me privately so we can set up the details?
Robin, my computer at home blew a hard drive so I can only access at work. I'd be happy to send you a local one for Monroe County, but I can't say for sure that the format will be the same. NYC is kinda a state unto themselves in some things...lol. Let me know if you need me to do that. L