Who are they? They pulled a "soft" inquiry on dear old hubby on 7/31/02, I haven't heard or received anything from them. This is bad, very bad. I have a feeling I know what they are trying to collect on, poor saps. I requested validation from the FIRST CA and they just went away. Time to dig thru the old validation letters. Does this ever end??
"we are OSI, a third party collector and we are not required to follow the rules under the Fair Debt collection Practices Act" said Lakeisha from Osi before she just plain hung up on me after I gave her the third degree. "You have a nice day Mr Voodochild" CLICK!! She sounded pretty thick!!!
Ut oh, here we go! They've been MIA for a while it seems. There was a period of about 6 months, when all I heard was Gulf State/OSI. Here's their info (I saved it): Portfolio Support Dep. Gulf State Credit, LLC P.O. Box 105460 Atlanta, G.A. 30348-5400 Compliance Dept. OSI Portfolio Services 2425 Commerce Ave. Bldg. 2100 Suite 100 Duluth, Georgia 30096 Phone 678-417-5049 Fax 678-417-5074 Current as of Feb. 18, 2002 fax 678-627-3190 gulf state CREDIT, LLC Number: 199915210018 Date Filed: 5/24/1999 Status: active Jurisdiction: DELAWARE Principal address 2425 COMMERCE AVE BLDG 2100 STE 100 DULUTH, GA 30096 Gulf State Credit /OSI Collections 3300 NE Expwy, Bldg 1, M Atlanta, GA 30341 Gulf State is owned by OSI Other names OSI uses: PAYCO AMERICAN CORP UNION CORP UNIVERSITY ACCOUNTING SERVICE INC ASSET RECOVERY & MANAGEMENT CORP INDIANA MUTUAL CREDIT ASSOCIATION INC GRABLE GREINER & WOLFF INC JENNIFER LOOMIS & ASSOCIATES INC QUALINK INC PROFESSIONAL RECOVERIES INC TRANSWORLD SYSTEMS INC UCO PROPERTIES INC UNION FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP INC AMERICAN RECOVERY CO INC CSN CORP GENAD CONNECTOR CORP UCO MBA CORP NORTH SHORE AGENCY INC
Think they have enough aliases, wonder how hard it would be for them to get those deleted. The bums that they are.
I'm getting the feeling I will never own a house Well at least not for another 7 years. Everytime I think I'm all done reality knocks on my door to make sure I realize I'm not.
I hope that you aren't gonna let these Punk a!!!!! get in the way of your dreams. There is always a way! Don't give in. Seven years is a long time to wait until the rest of your life. Had I known what I know now four years ago, I would probably already be a home owner. I believe you shouldn't take the hopeless attitude. here let my make you feel better. There is nothing more exhilarating than pointing out the short - commings of others My wife has 63 derogs on here exp per CE. See, yours cant be that bad. This was the group effort between her and her unscrupulous ex. Now . that sounds a little more hopeless!
I'd record them the next time, and hope that they say that they don't have to abide by the FDCPA again. Charlie
You reinforce what Voodoo said, this is CREDITNET. WE DO NOT BACKDOWN. they do. i cannot stand them or their aliases. i fought them and won. Another point that Voodoo made, if I had Know what I know now even just a year ago. I would have a house, a new 2002 surburban and a very good looking green amex. FIGHT EM and kick their (well you know) Holla!
I just got a letter from Gulf State about a collection that they had on my EXP report. They said the account has been closed and will be deleted. Looked on TU this morning (just got updated report last night), and OSI is on there. I wonder if they verify, is I can send this letter from Gulf State, telling them to delete. I basically disputed as not mine with EX, so I'm going to wait and see what happens. Andi
Well, hopefully it will get deleted from TU. Like I said, they sent me a letter stating the account was closed, sorry for the inconvience, and we will delete the account from the bureaus. It was only on my EX report. Hopefully, they will also delete with TU. I never had a problem with them. I knew the account that they put on there wasn't mine. Funny thing is, it was for ATT broadband, which we never had until now. Andi
I got the same "we will delete" letter from Gulfstate. I had to send a copy of the letter to TU, EQ and EX to get the account deleted.
Gulf State/OSI is a piece of cake to deal with. A pain in the ass, yes, but you can outsmart them every time. I did on at least 4 occassions. Send them a validation. They won't reply. Send another - they will send you a letter that they received your dispute and as soon as they obtain verification they will forward it. They never mark the accts as in dispute with the cra's. When you still don't receive anything, you send a demand letter. Then they respond with a request for copies of your drivers license, ss card and your signature 5 times. At that point, I called and spoke to Sam Shannon, the compliance mgr. He was very nice and told me they never get proof of these debts when they purchase them. He then sent me a letter that they closed their file and requested deletion of the accts from the cra's, as well as a copy of the UDF. The ph #'s Breeze posted are accurate.
I agree...Gulf State/OSI were the easiest to deal with. When I got deletions on two gulf states, one came back under OSI, but then I called up TU and said BullS*** take this off...and they did. In my opinion, they were the easiest to work with. I don't like the fact that they are snooping around your reports, but at least you know they are coming. Get your validation letter ready!
I DEALT WITH THESE FOOLS---->NORTH SHORE AGENCY INC 16 year-old got a FREE magazine...wrote CANCEL on the bill...(LONG STORY SHORT)...THESE FOOLS TRIED TO COLLECT SOMETHING LIKE $19.95 FOR A "FREE" MAGAZINE!!! They said you have to pay for the subscription!!! IT WAS ONE FREE MAGAZINE...THERE WAS NO SUBSCRIPTION!!! "YOU SEND A POSTAGE PAID ENVELOPE AND WE WILL SEND THE FREE MAGAZINE BACK" I told them that they would LOSE IN SMALL CLAIMS COURT if I had to take it there (and we wouldn't be talkin' $19.95)!!!
Whoa! I'm still dizzy from reading this one! Anyway, I think I may be dealing with them as well. Here goes: 1) Verizon bill from last address got misdirected and after I finally got it, i plain forgot about it - shame smogtek, shame! 2) Went to collection - OSI (Brookfield WI). 3) Called Verizon. Said you had wrong address, I forgot, I'll pay in full, you call off OSI. 4) Verizon connects me to OSI. I know, bear with me. So I ask them to delete for pay. Guess what? They are not OSI, they are AMO out of WA and/or GA! And they say they don't report to CRAs. Huh? 5) Anyway, I sent a validation letter to OSI and disputed with all 3 CRAs. If this doesn't work, I guess I go letter 2 (with Wollman) and then letter 3 with demands and see what happens. Ya know, this kinda reminds me of that old game show Concentration except under these squares there are CAs! LOL!