Don't I know it, if my figures are correct that is around $4000 a year saved and about $130k over the entire life of the note, should I keep it that long. Is that not the most fabulous thing you have ever heard? I am so beside myself I cannot stand it.
That is where the loan I spoke of earlier is through! Did you get this from Lending Tree or straight through them? Thanks
Hi, I applied online and got a sucky conventional rate, that department sent me over to the FHA side and that is when I got the new loan. I am sooooooo excited.
Mine is not all that great. 7.25 but that is with -3 points because I have limited funds for closing. They do not offer FHA for my area in the amount that I need. I REALLY wanted to do a construction loan. The loan officer said that they do not do them but the website cleary states that they do. I am calling first thing in the morning. Congrats to ya
You have two car loans (and I presume two new cars) and you're getting a mortgage loan at a very low rate. Not bad. What are you going to do differently, this time?
What is that supposed to mean? I have done stupid things, I will be the first to admit it, I always thought mom and dad would be there to bail me out, thankfully they kicked me to the curb and let me learn on my own. It has been 3 years since I started all of this, repairing my credit and re-establishing ourselves. I have paid for almost every bad thing I did back then, paid most of the collections and charge-offs. What will I do differently? Nothing different than I have done in the last few years. I pay my bills first, if we want something we must be able to afford it. I have savings now in case something bad happens. I stay right on top of our insurance company to make sure they pay our medical bills, the major thing that has hurt us over the years. We have cd's, 401k, and stocks that we can sell anytime. We have actually saved money. As for the cars, these two are not the first I have bought from them over the last three years, they were the only ones who would give us a chance, we took that chance and ran with it. We can do anything with them that we like and they will go for it. I don't know if you are trying to be a smartass and I really don't care if you are. I believe you have seen phoenix's sig line? and still we rise from the ashes.......that is us and it will continue to be us.
You made a longer reply to my message than any other, so it must mean something. The declarative sentence means what it says: You were declared bankrupt, then got two new cars. The second sentence is an evaluation: You haven't done bad for yourself in spite of your situation. The question is legitimate. It has been 3 years since I started all of this, repairing my credit and re-establishing ourselves. Yes, it is amazing that you can buy a house in such a short period of time after such bad credit. We are the great comeback society. FHA loans are available just 24 months after a Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharge. I have paid for almost every bad thing I did back then, paid most of the collections and charge-offs. Please clarify. Did you reaffirm the debts in the bankruptcy? What will I do differently? Nothing different than I have done in the last few years. I pay my bills first, if we want something we must be able to afford it. I have savings now in case something bad happens... We have cd's, 401k, and stocks that we can sell anytime. We have actually saved money. It sounds like you significantly changed your habits to me. Where would you rank savings in importance in your recovery? Where would you rank it for others? I stay right on top of our insurance company to make sure they pay our medical bills, the major thing that has hurt us over the years. Would you say your medical insurance company forced you into bankruptcy? You said that you had medical collections after the bankruptcy. What happened? As for the cars, these two are not the first I have bought from them over the last three years, they were the only ones who would give us a chance, we took that chance and ran with it. We can do anything with them that we like and they will go for it. Anything you like is pretty incredible. So far I haven't heard that the consequences of your bankruptcy were too tough on you. The car loans sound like a pretty good deal-- especially for the bankrupt. If not the credit history, how do you think that lender justified making the loans? Job time? down payment? Does it make sense to you? Irresponsible lending does some companies in. Did they lend responsibly? Was it a big lender, or one in your small town? Was it a bank? I don't know if you are trying to be a smartass and I really don't care if you are. See my first sentence ("You made a longer... "). I believe you have seen phoenix's sig line? and still we rise from the ashes.......that is us and it will continue to be us. That's fine. "Soon to be homeowner! Woo Hoo!" sounds manic after your depressive experience. Isn't it draining?
Oh Lord, I wish I could make an eye roll emoticon like on some of the other boards. Our BK was dishcarged in 1997, yes it wsa medical bills that caused it, we had thousands and thousands and thousand worth of them. We filed BK, so what? People do it everyday, we had no other options. We had medical collections after bk, so what? What would be your point? They are and were paid, with the exception of 3 smaller ones that I will make insurance pay, I sure as hell am not. We went from a car loan right after bk with a 21% interest rate to a car loan from Ford in 2000 at 10%, our next one was 7% and the latest one was 2.9%, been 5 months on that one and the interest it totally paid, we are paying on the principal now. I paid plenty for our bk, and if I had to do it over again, I wouldn't. We paid for it with double or triple the interest rates that other people had to pay. We re-affirmed some debt in it that we did pay off after it was over. I don't know what your problem is and I really don't care, you are an ass. I worked my butt off to get where I am not, but there is always a slime like you who trys to take away from someone's happines.
to greg Greg, was all of that REALLY necessary? I didn't realize that YOU, personally, were the judge and jury of whether someone "should " have declared Bk, and whether or not they had made "acceptable" changes in their approaches to personal finances due to this experience... my, my, my ...although I guess everyone on the board is entitled to their opinions and assessments of others... just glad you are not MY father, husband, daughter, co-worker, banker, employer, friend, confidante, financial planner, mortgage broker, home lender, golf partner, etc etc