Lowest Score Anyone's Had

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by TomJones, Sep 5, 2002.

  1. TomJones

    TomJones Well-Known Member

    Theoretically FICO goes down to 350.
    I've seen people with pretty trashed credit who had scores in the low 500s.
    I saw a member who used to have a 420.
    Has anyone on this board ever gotten under 400?
    Exactly what do you have to do to get there?
    The story doesn't have to be about you. It could be about a friend...
  2. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    I'd like to add,

    What's the highest score on the board?

    According to EQ and EX, if you have a 700 FICO, you are still only above 40% of the population. Is that really true?
  3. MartysGirl

    MartysGirl Well-Known Member

    At work... I've seen a score aof a 1! Yes.. I said 1!!! He had a negative that was six years old and no other credit!!!
  4. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    my dh had a score of 410 when we started, i think mine was 435 (for the record mine is now 695 tu)
  5. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member

    I don't know, but I'd sure like to have it. ;)

    But seriously, if you Log into CreditExpert and go to the score simulator, at the very top is the number 820.

    Does that mean theoretically that is the highest score a person can have?

    Sorry to hi-jack a thread ;-)
  6. thickman66

    thickman66 Well-Known Member

    I think that 60% of folks are over 700 is garbage,
  7. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    is there a way to figure out your lowest possible score.. I am certain my scores around 95-97 were in the 400s although my lowest known score was 560...

    now I am within a few points in reaching 600...
  8. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    I totally agree. I just thought of something. When someone dies, is their file updated at the CRA? I know that if it isn't reported, many times a person is still considered alive. Is it possible that CRAs continue to report on people that have been dead for years?
  9. erik776

    erik776 Well-Known Member


    The Social Security administration will eventually notify the CRA's that a person is died if no one else does. I think the Social Security Administration gets the info from the local government and the death certificate.

    a real FICO score uses a scale from 300 to 850. Equifax used a real score scale. The score you purchase from Trans Union is now supposed to be a real FICO score as well.
  10. denied

    denied Well-Known Member

    My father has a true to life score of 816 as of ~2years ago. He cosigned for me on my last car so I could get a good rate. At the time I just knew that his score was way above mine, I wasn't concerned with the numbers.

    I suppose paying on time for ~30 years has its advantages. . .
  11. fsher00

    fsher00 Active Member

    I seem to be unscoreable.....I haven't used anyform of credit in years and am just now begining the process of trying to delete the few negs I racked up in my younger more irresponsible days.

    Actually when I'm done my report will hopefully be blank...any idea where to get a cc with a thin/nonexistent Credit history?
  12. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    24+ YEARS
    ME 686-714
    WIFE 686-741

  13. suedan217

    suedan217 Well-Known Member

    My lowest score was 540 with exp, now I am above 670. June 2002.
  14. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    I started with FAKO TU in mid 400s... still barely above water according to TU!
  15. dmspanish

    dmspanish Member

    My Score in February 2002 was 398. What do you have to do to get a score that low?

    Ch 7 -- 1995
    Ch 13 -- 1997
    Ch 13-- 1999
    Ch 7 -- 2002
    About 28 collections
    6 public records

    Could anyone be more irresponsible? NO
    We have a Small Business that FINALLY in 2000 started making a profit. We filed for Ch 7 in 2002 because too many old debts still ingering around.

    Since I started actually DOING the things reccommended on this board I have had

    21 deletions including the 6 public records.
    all the BK's have been verified and remain.
    I have 6 positive trade lines.

    Score 558


    16 deletions
    all BK's andpublic records still remain

  16. markman

    markman Well-Known Member

    I started with scores in the very low 500s and a TU score of 450 (with about 15 negatives ranging from credit cards to health clubs, newspapers, telephone bills and charge cards). That was last year. Now I have:

    TU: 787
    EQ: 768
    EX: 678

    And these scores are with one negative remaining from 1996 (paid), and two on EX. I don't care to dispute these anymore. Creditors don't seem to care to see them on my report anyway.

    My credit history is about 10 years old in which time I only had credit cards (no retail cards, mortgages or auto loans).

    With these scores Discover and Chase denied credit, but I got MBNA, Bank of America, Fleet and Household bank and canceled all my sub-prime cards or cards with very low limits (Providian, Target, GM Card and Capital One).

    I was also able to get approved for an auto loan and mortgage with almost no questions asked and the best rates possible. It really feels good especially when a few months ago I was being denied for everything.

    Credit is very important. I just had no idea about it in my late teens, early 20s. I will never ever make a late payment again (which I have not done in 6 years).

    What I learned on this board helped very much. I used to subscribe to credit repair services, but I finally had to do the real work (disputing, validation, phone calls etc.). I had to invest a lot of time. Of course the fact that all my negatives were 6+ years old helped.

    Thank you!

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